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Finally after a streak of bad luck with my concretions I think I’ve found something. 
First concretion I am almost certain contains something. Looks to me like a worm (?) 

Second I’m not super confident on but looks different from a lot of the other duds I’ve opened. Wouldn’t have much of an idea of what it could be. 
Third definitely also looks like something to me, one half did break a bit but I should be able to fix that. 

I hope the pictures are in order! I will try to fix if not. (I put the penny for scale if that helps) 









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1,3 are both worms. Don’t have my books on me at the moment but looks like they could be identified.


2 isn’t a fossil

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Astreptoscolex anasillosus for 1 and 3, I think. Wait for others to chime in -- I'm lousy at worm ID. #2 is a dud. It began as something organic, but the fossillization process did not go too well.





Fossil hunting is easy -- they don't run away when you shoot at them!

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