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I Was Out Kicking Over Rocks And....


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I found the leaf (seed ,whatever)and scales (there was tons of them) while splitting shale north of Billings and the rather large plates(of god knows what) splitting rocks near Bridger Montana. I have quite a few more but havent even got to hose them off yet.post-3180-12746623096509_thumb.jpg I'm very excited to whatever is under the shale next to the penny

Edited by Stonebreaker
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Here's the pod. This is the one i had posted asking advice what to do with it. Glue the seed/leaf back in or what.


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Here's the pod. This is the one i had posted asking advice what to do with it. Glue the seed/leaf back in or what.

Stone breaker you might have better luck in the id section.

The first pic looks like a concretionary inclusion in the shale. There could have been a fossil that has eroded out of the center of it? but its hard to tell. the second pic looks like part of the outer whirl of a Gastropod or possibly an Ammonite but the absence of sutures says gastropod to me unless it part of the living chamber.


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Guest N.AL.hunter

I am sorry to say this, but I just do not see any fossils in the two pictures. The second one could be something,but it still doesn't look quite right to me. Perhaps when you clean the others, a better example will appear.

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After doing some more looking i agree with you that i think they're burrows of some type of worm. im still trying to get down deeper int he slate and ty for the suggestions for a place to try out.All advice and info is greatly appreciated.

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