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Oreodon Stuff.

Mr Coats

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Here are some Oreodon fossils that I have purchased from different sources.


On the left is a Merycoidodon skull that I bought from a rock shop a long time ago. It originally had a lump of limestone attached to the back, I chiseled and picked it off to reveal the occipital condyles, jaw articulation surfaces and the foramina for the cranial nerves/blood vessels. Below is an atlas and a calcaneus. To the left is another partial skull that I bought from a fossil dealer for $20 bucks. It is incomplete, but it's level of preservation is superior to the other skull I have and the sutures show up in better detail. What attracted me to it is the fact that brain case is broken to reveal an exposed cranial endocast. Brain convolutions, the frontal and temporal lobes, as well as what are perhaps blood vessels can be easily maid out. I'm wondering if perhaps is worth allot more that the $20 I paid for it. Also, while it's obviously Oreodon, I somewhat doubt it is Merycoidodon, but I'm not sure what other genus it could be.

Edited by Mr Coats
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Mr Coats, Yep, I also think you did very well. I have a little one and it cost me over $100. Nice additions! Regards, Chris

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I think the skull on the left cost around $125, but it was such a long time ago and someone else bought it for me. It may have been a lot less.

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