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Pictures In Forum Posts


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Several months ago when I posted a picture into my posting it would place itself where the cursor was. I could see the text/html for the picture. I was able to write notations above or below the pictures.

Now when I post a picture I no longer see it in the Post I writing or when I try to edit it. But it still shows up on the forum.

Anybody have an idea why I can't see the picture insert in my post when I write them anymore.

Gee this question sounds confusing

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After you have 'Attached This File', it shows up as a tiny thumbnail pic below the text box. Over to the right of the thumbnail is "Add to Post". Place your cursor where you want it in your post and click "Add to Post". From there you can use the Preview Post button below to look at the result. 'Attached' photos that are not specifically placed within the post will show at the bottom as Attached Files. Be sure you are in Full Editor mode to take advantage of all the features. Hope that makes sense. :)

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Place your cursor where you want it in your post and click "Add to Post". From there you can use the Preview Post button below to look at the result. 'Attached' photos that are not specifically placed within the post will show at the bottom as Attached Files. Be sure you are in Full Editor mode to take advantage of all the features.

Thanks I did that but for some reason it doesn't post the picture where the cursor is and they don't show at the bottom in edit mode. I'm thinking its something stupid in my settings. I even had one post over my text when I posted my reply on the forum

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Just be sure you are using Full Editor mode...Fast Reply or regular Edit will not let you see the photos.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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