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Some of the first few fossils I ever collected came from Lompoc, California in the Monterey(?) formation. They definitely fueled my passion for fossils and prehistoric fauna. Anyway, I was wanting to make sure I've got my IDs right for some of the stuff I've collected. 


#1 This first one is probably the largest piece I found. Is it a pectoral fin from a large fish?



#2 was really neat to me. It's a vertebra with what looks like the ribs still attached!



#3 And this piece I'm not sure about. It looks like a skull piece from a fish



#4 Looks like a mostly complete fish! It looks like its mostly missing the tail and I'm not sure what genus or species it is. It's seriously tiny though. I've got both halves of the head which is cool too. The detail is so small that my phone is having a hard time picking it up unfortunately




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