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Possible egg and rib cage discovery??


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Found in south Wales on a mud flat at low tide. I’ve tried to clean as best I can. Any input would be amazing, please!


I believe it to be an egg or 2 and a rib cage, or tubular crustacean formation, but I’m a total newbie, thanks!!





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Hello Ihopeitsnotarock and welcome to the forum!

Ithinksitsdefinitelyarock, the question is, is it a rock containing fossils? If not a rock, worst case it could be concrete, hard to tell sometimes with weathered and overgrown pieces.

The riblike structures do not look like ribs to me, to thick and close together, could even be one structure with a ribbed surface.

Others more familiar with your region may know more.

Best Regards,



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What is the size of this piece?

@Tidgy's Dad

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The 'rib cage' bears a passing similarity to the sub-bark of the Devonian Sigillaria. I believe the 'egg-shaped' objects are siderite concretions, which are common in low-oxygen coal-swamp deposits.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

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Looks like a chunk of badly weathered, crude, reinforced concrete to me.

Edited by Tidgy's Dad
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4 hours ago, Tidgy&#x27;s Dad said:

Looks like a chunk of badly weathered, crude, reinforced concrete to me.

I would agree with this. Seems odd that a fossil would have turned up on a mud flat. 

Are there fossil deposits nearby ?? 

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MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png.a47e14d65deb3f8b242019b3a81d8160.png MotM August 2023 - Eclectic Collector

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To my eye, this does look like concrete, I have seen plenty on the East coast where I live. And I have also seen plenty of barnacle encrusted concrete and old iron struts from the former pier we had encrusted with barnacles. So I`n going with a chunk of concrete.

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Hello everyone and thanks for all your inputs! 

I totally accept your beliefs that it is concrete, there are massive amounts of fossil deposits right next to where I found it including bones, vertebrae, teeth and the beach is famous for its marine fossil deposits. 

I will take more photos and post just to be sure as the surface of the supposed egg is cracked and fits the online descriptions I have read. Again-I will accept the identity to be concrete but i just want to be sure before I bin it, thanks again

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