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Aurora - Early Report

Frank Menser

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Made it there about 9AM. The weather (thankfully) was not the predicted thundershowers. Managed to get ahead of the crowds and picked up a few goodies i'll post later. Here are some pics.


Some really big enchodus at the Berkshire table.


This is my wife standing next to a whale jaw. The expression means "shoot the -----Picture!)


Be true to the reality you create.

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Wow! Looks like lots of fun!smile.gif

Glad the weather held for you.biggrin.gif

Thanks for the report.smile.gif

Can't wait to see what you've found!


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"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

John Muir ~ ~ ~ ~   ><))))( *>  About Me      

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Spent some time at Megateeth where I picked up a nice NC ray plate.


This is the one that got away..(sigh)


The auction was cool and there were other dealers...


And the Smithsonian guys were there .


Be true to the reality you create.

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Megateeth? Looks like M.B. to me ;) --> AAAMega teeth.JPG:P:D

Very nice report, I would have loved to have been there and met you all :) and maybe left with a fossil or two :D and then have went to GMR, and some other local NC mines, and maybe hit some VA locations on the way back :D:D:D

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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Megateeth? Looks like M.B. to me ;) --> AAAMega teeth.JPG:P:D

Very nice report, I would have loved to have been there and met you all :) and maybe left with a fossil or two :D and then have went to GMR, and some other local NC mines, and maybe hit some VA locations on the way back :D:D:D

Like MB ???? :o

I'm younger and more handsome !!!! :P

More pictures... please !!! :)

Edited by MB
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Thanks for your report.



Pareidolia : here

Ma bibliothèque PDF 1 (Poissons et sélaciens récents & fossiles) : ici
Ma bibliothèque PDF 2 (Animaux vivants - sans poissons ni sélaciens) : ici
Mâchoires sélaciennes récentes : ici
Hétérodontiques et sélaciens : ici
Oeufs sélaciens récents : ici
Otolithes de poissons récents ! ici

Un Greg...

Badges-IPFOTH.jpg.f4a8635cda47a3cc506743a8aabce700.jpg Badges-MOTM.jpg.461001e1a9db5dc29ca1c07a041a1a86.jpg


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Megateeth? Looks like M.B. to me ;) --> AAAMega teeth.JPG:P:D

Very nice report, I would have loved to have been there and met you all :) and maybe left with a fossil or two :D and then have went to GMR, and some other local NC mines, and maybe hit some VA locations on the way back :D:D:D

Yeah, I was refering to the location, Not M.B. At my age they all look younger and Handsomer...

Edited by Frank Menser

Be true to the reality you create.

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I think everyone had a great time. I got to meet Fossili Veraci who posts all kind of great stuff on Facebook. Then we remembered meeting back in PCS last year where Mrs. Fossili Veraci found one of only two megs found that day. Some of my good friends like Brooks, Jake, Linda, Ernie, Kenny and Heather all helped me out at my booth. Then there were a bunch of other TFF members that I got to see again. I hate leaving these shows because everyone had such a great time. It goes by so fast.

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Yeah, my bad feet kept my time there a lot shorter than I wanted. But with the shoring up of "homemade" ice Cream :wub: And lots to see I managed here's a few more shots..


My prizes of the day consited of: A ray tooth plate from NC, A bug(?) from Lebanon, and A nice pair of Plesiosaur verts from Morocco. My wife won a topaz ring in the auction (absentee bid).


Be true to the reality you create.

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It was a pleasure to see again old friends and to meet for the first time Megateeth, Greel, Obsessed1 (actually both of them). I am sorry to not meet Frank MenserMicrofauna from Onslow quarry

It was the highlight of the trip for me to meet you and your wife, and I hope to see you next year. Big ups goes to obsessed1 for allowing me to drag him around so I could show off his 3 1/4 inch great white to my club members. That tooth is akin to a holy relic

and the man that found it has earned serious fossil gravitas.


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It was the highlight of the trip for me to meet you and your wife, and I hope to see you next year. Big ups goes to obsessed1 for allowing me to drag him around so I could show off his 3 1/4 inch great white to my club members. That tooth is akin to a holy relic

and the man that found it has earned serious fossil gravitas.


:) :)




Erosion... will be my epitaph!




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Hey...I walked right by that pile twice! :D

Be true to the reality you create.

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That is not megateeth that is Mark, Bill is megateeth.

Megateeth? Looks like M.B. to me ;) --> AAAMega teeth.JPG:P:D

Very nice report, I would have loved to have been there and met you all :) and maybe left with a fossil or two :D and then have went to GMR, and some other local NC mines, and maybe hit some VA locations on the way back :D:D:D

The best days are spent collecting fossils

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Hi ya Bill! Ernie and I do not make it a habit to buy any fossils but every year we save our money to buy fossils from you Bill.

I think of everything I saw, Mark had some of the nicest fossils. His red teeth he had were amazing. If you are here Mark, thanks for the help as well.

The best days are spent collecting fossils

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