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Help Me Id These Fossils!

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One looks like a claw core of some kind two teeth and one small tibia of some kind. Can anyone ID these for me??? Their only 1 in to 1 1/4 in long.


It's my bone!!!

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the claw i think belongs to a sloth. very cool, and uncommon. the tooth with a single root looks like a horse incisor. the other two i don't know. more pictures would help.


ok, now that you know what it is would you like to trade the sloth claw? :D

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I guess next time I'll state their size. All are 1 in to 1 1/4 in long.  So I do not think it's a sloth claw brock. :-[ :-[ :)

It's my bone!!!

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yeah  that does put a damper on the sloth claw theory :D

i don't know then. but it is still very cool.

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Are you diving the Suwannee? 

The claw core is from a carnivore with non-retractable claws (IOW, not a cat).  A rare find, especially rare with the boney sheath in place.  Is it well-mineralized?

The bone MAY BE a metapodial, possibly from a carnivore, probably not a cat.

The double-rooted tooth MAY BE a carnivore premolar.

The single-rooted tooth is almost certainly a horse or tapir incisor, as Brock suggested.

A better image would be useful.  If you don't have better lighting, try using your editing software to boost the "brightness," then the "contrast" until the image is as clear as possible.

------Harry Pristis



What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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Here is a better picture. Harry it is not fully mineralized but all most. I do not dive yet but hope to soon.


It's my bone!!!

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Sorry, Worthy, I cannot make out any more details on your second image.

If your claw core is not well-mineralized, it may be from a modern critter, say a black bear. Here is a pic of some claw cores for comparison.

-----Harry Pristis




What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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It looks alot like the cave bear claw core but about 1/3 the size thanks Harry. :) 8)

It's my bone!!!

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