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Austin Creeks Off Limits?


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I collected from eagle ford formation locations in several streambeds in Austin, TX many years ago. I recently heard that all collecting was now illegal in those waterways. Does anyone know if hunting is prohibited in Shoal creek, East/West Bouldin etc.?

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Who told you that? Lots of folks still collect in Shoal Creek all along it's length. Much of it is park now so you don't want to go in with shovels and picks. But surface collecting should be no big deal.

Bouildin I am not sure about other than the last time I poked around there (5 years back?) it was really overgrown and the neighborhood was dicey. Both Walnut and Little Walnut are good but some spots have become homes for homeless and you probably want to be real careful or at least not go alone if that kinda thing bothers you.

The great rain this spring probably did some good too.

If this is just anecdotal then someone may have run into the odd landowner along upper Shoal who just decided to be a turd.

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