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It has been almost four years since I found an unidentified arachnid fossil in the Westphalian D (Late Carboniferous) of the Piesberg quarry near Osnabrück, Germany. The little critter received a warm welcome here on TFF, being awarded the July 2019 IPFOTM and later even given the honour of 2019 IPFOTY. At the time, I was happy to announce that the specimen had gone to dr. Jason Dunlop of the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin (an expert on fossil arachnids) for further study. Today, I'm thrilled to give another update! Yesterday, the detailed study by dr. Dunlop culminated in a really nice open-access publication in PalZ, which can be downloaded HERE. The Piesberg-fossil turns out to be a new species and the first "true spider" from the Palaeozoic of Germany (so a spider from the order Araneae as opposed to early spider-lookalike arachnid groups such as the trigonotarbids or phalangiotarbids). The fossil (now a holotype) has been donated to the Museum für Naturkunde, where it is conserved under repository number MB.A. 4298. This has been a great experience, as I learned a great deal about arachnids and spiders and spinnerets along the way. Hope you'll enjoy reading dr. Dunlop's paper as much as I did!


Kind regards,




Reconstruction of Arthrolycosa wolterbeeki Dunlop 2023


Reference: Dunlop, J.A. (2023) The first Palaeozoic spider (Arachnida: Araneae) from Germany, PalZ, published online 16 July 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12542-023-00657-7

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Searching for green in the dark grey.

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Congratulations on your namesake...pretty remarkable find.

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"I am glad I shall never be young without wild country to be young in. Of what avail are forty freedoms without a blank spot on the map?"  ~Aldo Leopold (1887-1948) 


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Well done, Tim. Congratulations!  :JustCuz_clapping:


Please post this in the Gallery, (in the format required)  and you can get your Partner In Paleontology badge.  :)

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"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

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You hit the jackpot. Finding a new species that is named after you is my goal too.


Arthrolycosa wolterbeeki sp. nov.

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My goal is to leave no stone or fossil unturned.   

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Wow! You are a star! I am very happy for you!

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"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

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>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Congratulations on the publication and find, Tim! Very cool! :JustCuz_clapping:

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'There's nothing like millions of years of really frustrating trial and error to give a species moral fibre and, in some cases, backbone' -- Terry Pratchett

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Amazing to read an a remarkable discovery!
Congrats Tim! :)

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Interested in all things paleontology, geology, zoology, evolution, natural history and science!
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Way cool!


Another win highlighting the cooperation between amateur paleontologists and the professionals. Put a smile on my face. :)






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Congrats Tim ! :default_clap2:



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On 7/17/2023 at 8:16 PM, Fossildude19 said:


Well done, Tim. Congratulations!  :JustCuz_clapping:


Please post this in the Gallery, (in the format required)  and you can get your Partner In Paleontology badge.  :)


Put something in the Gallery; hopefully more or less what you were looking for.

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Searching for green in the dark grey.

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16 hours ago, paleoflor said:

Put something in the Gallery; hopefully more or less what you were looking for.


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Just catching up on this thread. As someone who in a past professional life described some arachnids, it's an absolute delight to read this story! Congrats!

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