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Rauchound's Stuff

Guest Cris

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Very nice finds! Congratulations!

Tha tighin fodham, fodham, fodham!

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Very nice finds! Congratulations!

thanks does anyone know what they are and do i need to take better pics. alot of these little pieces fit together like finger bones or something. if you look really hard at those first photos at all angles you can see that it looks like a giant tooth or jointed bone same as the one half the size. thanks

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Guest solius symbiosus

I know virtually nothing about verts, but they look like chert nodules to me. What is the hardness? Is that formation known for chert?

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I know virtually nothing about verts, but they look like chert nodules to me. What is the hardness? Is that formation known for chert?

what is cheert?

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Chert is a sedimentary rock composed mostly of the mineral chalcedony—cryptocrystalline silica, or quartz in crystals of submicroscopic size.

I don't want to be the bearer of bad tidings, but to be honest, I do not see anything that indicates bone in your pics.

Just a suggestion, but if you go to the gallery on here and check out the fossilized bone different posters have, when you look close, I think you can see the difference. It took me a long time before I could find bone and not rocks that I thought were bone.

I have a small vert from a mosasaur that is a bit weathered. If you want it, I will mail it to you. I know when you see, touch, and hold it, you will see the difference. When I was having problems identifying bone, a stranger mailed me a few dinosaur bones when I lived in IL, and that made a huge difference.

Welcome to the forum!

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I agree with Roz...after carefully examining all of the pictures posted, I can't see anything that has the characteristics typical of bone (fossilized or not). I'd say that what you've got there is a nice assemblage of rocks.



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