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The Journey Ends


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It's going to be hard to summarize how epic the journey across the U.S. and back was both logistically and emotionally. Let's look back at the numbers first"

*10,547 miles

*22 states travelled

*15 states fossilled(it's a word now ;-) )

*42 distinct fossil localities

*Pliocene, Miocene, Eocene, Cretaceous. Pennsylvanian, Missisipian, Devonian and Ordavacian were all collected.

*15 new friends made!

*20+ miles of Kayaking and Canoeing

4 campsites

2 houses

24 hotels

and 4 Cracker Barrels and 6 Waffel Houses..... :P

Favorite Memories:

*The first Breath Taking View of the Grand Canyon

*Dan....the Waterfall.....and the Mexicans

*Cade's face when I found the Benidini B)

*Chris and Mike's face as I squished into a wet suit (that was just WRONG!!)

*Finding the Big Ammo :jig:

*Fresh spoil dumpage upon arrival to Aurora :D

*Grand Opening at Mineral Wells

*Bugging it at U-dig

*Boating the Chesapeke with Kevin

*Falling back in love with Texas!

*Rosewell :lol:

*Leaving New Jersey!

* Peaceful morning at St, Clair

*With my family during Memorial Day

*Realize just how incredible unselfish so many forum members were during this adventure!!!!!

What a ride! Thanks for letting me share it with you!!


If only my teeth are so prized a million years from now!

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I've read your trip posts with much jealousy ( kindly it is, though) !

I am sad to see your trip end, but have enjoyed every one of your posts.

It has been thrilling to hear of your experiences, and wonderful friendships made through this forum.

It is heartening to see people from all walks of life and parts of the country getting together to share a common interest.

Thanks so much for your wonderful, inspiring trip reports.

Glad you are back, safe, sound, and enriched by your journey!


Warm regards,


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"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

John Muir ~ ~ ~ ~   ><))))( *>  About Me      

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Where does the poster at the applebees land on your list lol.

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I'm glad you made it home safe and sound John. I've seen you place, I'm not sure where you are going to put all of those new fossils!!!!

If you believe everything you read, perhaps it's time for you to stop reading...

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*Leaving New Jersey!

I saw that!

Eh, what am I saying...even I get excited when I'm leaving NJ, even if it's just for the day :P

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What a great adventure!!!! I was glad to be part of it :D

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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There aren't many times in life when you have time and money at the same time to do whatever you want....that's I suppose what credit cards are for.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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It was my pleasure to meet and collect with you! I'm glad you had such an awesome trip and even found a few nice fossils along the way. Oh, BTW you can also add the Paleocene of the Potomac River to the list of ages of material collected.

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