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Keasey Formation, crinoid, how to prep?


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Recently found this rock on a trip to the Keasey formation near Mist Oregon. There are several crinoid stars visible on the outside of the stone and some segmented sections visible as well. Seems like they run throughout the rock. I found this on the ground by the stream and water erosion did a bit of work on the outside. Really curious and excited about what might be inside but no idea how to start and scared to ruin it. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks. 





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So it's a case of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). Given your breadth and depth of fossil prepping experience, I think this counts as sound advice. ;)


There are quite a lot of hints to the crinoid (or its impression) visible on this rock. Maybe on the next trip out there more delightful treasures like this may be found.






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Thanks for the advice, I had suspected that might be the case. I wondered if a well placed crack might open up some of the layers inside and reveal something less weathered and interesting, many of the fossils I find in this area are contained within strata of the sandstone. This one seems like a giant ball all rolled up with no discernible grain or layers, part of that might be that it was washed in the river after falling from the cliff, or maybe its just a mess. Either way I'm ecstatic to find even traces of crinoids as this is my 4th or 5th visit to the site without any sign to date. 

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yes, unfortunately I am yet to locate any fossils on the cliff, I have only found rocks that have fallen off previously, sometimes I can locate original location by physics (they tend to roll downhill), this one being in the creek bed it is hard to say where it came from exactly.  I would say frustratingly close sums it up. Anyone familiar with the Mist Crinoid location who could dm some advice it would be very appreciated. I hear its dug out, but this rock says otherwise. 

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