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4 hours ago, Manticocerasman said:

The idea was to join that field trip of the BVP last weekend, but I spent the weekend out of action due to illness.  :/ 


That's a pity, especially since this was the last trip of the year :(

Hope you're feeling better now, though!

'There's nothing like millions of years of really frustrating trial and error to give a species moral fibre and, in some cases, backbone' -- Terry Pratchett

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On 10/20/2023 at 1:48 PM, pachy-pleuro-whatnot-odon said:


Hold on, that's me in orange and jeans in the foreground there! Great photograph of me "in action"! I don't actually have too many of those! :D



What a beauty! :o Great job in getting it out the way you did too! I did find a couple, but all fell entirely apart on extraction :(


I, too, didn't bring back too much from that outing, though I still have some rather sub-par shrimp bits to work on (sub-par, except for the one I got from you, of course! ;)), as well as block full of bryozoa. On the latter I think we counted three different types in the field, visible from both top and bottom, including traces of epibiota. So, while that's not a particularly spectacular piece to look at, it's certainly very interesting...

Yeah I am quite happy with the Hemipneustes, chances are that they break entirely and I am glad that didn't happen. :)

I am glad you're happy with the claw, you'll find a nice one yourself soon enough :)


On 10/20/2023 at 2:38 PM, Manticocerasman said:

The idea was to join that field trip of the BVP last weekend, but I spent the weekend out of action due to illness.  :/ 


A pity to hear you couldn't make it due to illness, especially since you weren't feeling during you last trip there either.
Well third time's a charm they say, hopefully you have a great next time :)


On 10/20/2023 at 2:52 PM, Tidgy's Dad said:

Great thread.

Love the fossils you found.

And you have a very nice smile. :)

Thank you! :)
I always enjoy this quarry, for the fossils as well as the great company :)

Edited by ziggycardon
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Interested in all things paleontology, geology, zoology, evolution, natural history and science!
Professional exotic pet keeper, huge fantasy geek, explorer of the microfossil realm, member of the BVP (Belgian Association for Paleontology), Volunteer prepper at Oertijdmuseum Boxtel.  

View my collection topic here:

The Growing Collection of Ziggycardon
My animal collection at the "Members pet" topic

Ziggycardon's exploration of the microfossil realm

Trips to Eben Emael (Maastrichtian of Belgium)

My latest fossil hunt


Next project will be a dedicated prepping space.


"A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge." - Tyrion Lannister




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The collection so far from the Limburg/Liege chalk deposits (most are self collected).








  • Enjoyed 4

Interested in all things paleontology, geology, zoology, evolution, natural history and science!
Professional exotic pet keeper, huge fantasy geek, explorer of the microfossil realm, member of the BVP (Belgian Association for Paleontology), Volunteer prepper at Oertijdmuseum Boxtel.  

View my collection topic here:

The Growing Collection of Ziggycardon
My animal collection at the "Members pet" topic

Ziggycardon's exploration of the microfossil realm

Trips to Eben Emael (Maastrichtian of Belgium)

My latest fossil hunt


Next project will be a dedicated prepping space.


"A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge." - Tyrion Lannister




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That's a really nice looking collection from that area.

Most impressive. :)

Edited by Tidgy's Dad
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Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.


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  • 7 months later...

Three months ago our club organised an Cretaceous weekend to two different localities in the Liége/Limburg Limestone deposits.
The first day we visited the Kreco quarry in Hallembaye, Haccourt and the second day we visited Eben-Emael again.


Day 1: Kreco quarry, Hallembaye, Haccourt, Liége, Belgium - Cretaceous, Maastrichtian/Campanian, 82 - 68 million years old.

Multiple layers in this quarry are exposed.
The youngest layers belong the Gulpen formation and date back to the early Maastrichtian. Most common finds here are urchins, oyster, brachiopods and belemnites.
There is also a flintstone eluvium where gorgous fossils in flint can be found.


Most layers in the quarry date back to the Campanian. The oldest layers from the Gulpen formation (chalk of zeven wegen) as well as the Vaalser Greensand formation.
The Vaalser greensand formation is the main reason for our visit, these layers are only rarely exposed, last time was 36 years ago. So this material is quite valuable for us collectors as well as for scientists!

In the Vaalser Greensand we can commonly find the ichnofossil Gyrolithes davreuxi, Belemnites (Belemnitella mucronata & Gonioteuthis quadrata), Gastropods (Turritella sp.), Bivalves but also Ammonites, Nautilus and shark teeth.


Due to be rarely exposed we mainly searched in the Greensand heaps where most of the finds where done.
Though after lunch I also ventured with a small group to prospect the rest of the quarry a while where I managed to collect some Belemnites and an Echinocorys.








I found some nice bivalves and ichnofossils and got a rare ammonite from a friend.
Quite a lot of Nautilus fossils were found as well as some shark teeth.
My friend Jonathan managed to find an enormous chamber from an ammonite.



The second day we visited the Romontbos quarry in Eben-Emael, Cretaceous, Maastrichtian, 68 mya

I mainly searched in the company of Tineke Jonathan and his student as they were searching for Dercetidae specimens for their research. (We managed to find a couple ;))





After I while I also joined Tom who located a fossil rich layer (Horizont van Lava if I remember correctly) where Tom managed to find a nice Rhombodus binkhorstii tooth.












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Interested in all things paleontology, geology, zoology, evolution, natural history and science!
Professional exotic pet keeper, huge fantasy geek, explorer of the microfossil realm, member of the BVP (Belgian Association for Paleontology), Volunteer prepper at Oertijdmuseum Boxtel.  

View my collection topic here:

The Growing Collection of Ziggycardon
My animal collection at the "Members pet" topic

Ziggycardon's exploration of the microfossil realm

Trips to Eben Emael (Maastrichtian of Belgium)

My latest fossil hunt


Next project will be a dedicated prepping space.


"A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge." - Tyrion Lannister




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I came home with a decent haul!




My finds from the Vaalser Greensand Formation - Cretaceous, Campanian, 82 - 77,5 mya:


Spondylus spinosus




Trochacantus tuberculantocinctus




Scaphites sp.





Gyrolithes davreuxii









Turritella sexlineata




Crassatella sp.




Fish scales and bones in a fossil lobster burrow




Neitheia sexcostata




An oyster, probably Hyotissa semiplana or Oscillopha armata





A foraminifera





Echinocorys sp. found in the Gulpen formation




Belemnites found in the Gulpen formation


  • Enjoyed 3

Interested in all things paleontology, geology, zoology, evolution, natural history and science!
Professional exotic pet keeper, huge fantasy geek, explorer of the microfossil realm, member of the BVP (Belgian Association for Paleontology), Volunteer prepper at Oertijdmuseum Boxtel.  

View my collection topic here:

The Growing Collection of Ziggycardon
My animal collection at the "Members pet" topic

Ziggycardon's exploration of the microfossil realm

Trips to Eben Emael (Maastrichtian of Belgium)

My latest fossil hunt


Next project will be a dedicated prepping space.


"A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge." - Tyrion Lannister




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And some of the finds from Eben-Emael


Enchodus sp.




Individual and multiblocks with Oolopygus pyriformis








Trigonosemus pectiniformis




Neitheia regularis





Acutostrea uncinella










  • Enjoyed 3

Interested in all things paleontology, geology, zoology, evolution, natural history and science!
Professional exotic pet keeper, huge fantasy geek, explorer of the microfossil realm, member of the BVP (Belgian Association for Paleontology), Volunteer prepper at Oertijdmuseum Boxtel.  

View my collection topic here:

The Growing Collection of Ziggycardon
My animal collection at the "Members pet" topic

Ziggycardon's exploration of the microfossil realm

Trips to Eben Emael (Maastrichtian of Belgium)

My latest fossil hunt


Next project will be a dedicated prepping space.


"A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge." - Tyrion Lannister




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Great trip report and finds! I actually was there too on the second day in Eben-Emael. This would be me...


As you see still more in the background as it was my first trip to Eben-Emael. I think you were the enthousiastic guy with the Limburg accent 😏. We didn't properly meet back then but i guess we might in the future, cause i had a great time there with some great people and some interesting finds.

Didn't get to posting a trip report, but would you mind if i joined with some pictures of the trip and some fossil finds? You obviously know way more about the locality so i might learn..




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20 hours ago, dries85 said:


Great trip report and finds! I actually was there too on the second day in Eben-Emael. This would be me...


As you see still more in the background as it was my first trip to Eben-Emael. I think you were the enthousiastic guy with the Limburg accent 😏. We didn't properly meet back then but i guess we might in the future, cause i had a great time there with some great people and some interesting finds.

Didn't get to posting a trip report, but would you mind if i joined with some pictures of the trip and some fossil finds? You obviously know way more about the locality so i might learn..




Hahaha that was probably me indeed! I am sure we will preperly meet in the future indeed! :)

And feel free to share your pictures and finds from Eben Emael! Would love to see them :)

  • Enjoyed 1

Interested in all things paleontology, geology, zoology, evolution, natural history and science!
Professional exotic pet keeper, huge fantasy geek, explorer of the microfossil realm, member of the BVP (Belgian Association for Paleontology), Volunteer prepper at Oertijdmuseum Boxtel.  

View my collection topic here:

The Growing Collection of Ziggycardon
My animal collection at the "Members pet" topic

Ziggycardon's exploration of the microfossil realm

Trips to Eben Emael (Maastrichtian of Belgium)

My latest fossil hunt


Next project will be a dedicated prepping space.


"A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge." - Tyrion Lannister




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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Last weekend (august 10&11) I went with my local fossil club (BVP) on a two day hunting trip to my local cretaceous deposits. 


DISCLAIMER: Again it is forbidden to go enter these quarries on your own!

This is illegal trespassing! Only certain fossil clubs on the designated excursion days are allowed to enter these locations.

Recently a couple of people have been caught trespassing in both quarries, the actions of a few selfish folk could ruin it for all...



The first day we visited the Kreco quarry, Hallembaye, Haccourt, Liége, Belgium - Cretaceous, Maastrichtian/Campanian, 82 - 68 million years old.

I mainly searched in the spoil heaps with Vaalser Greensand (Vaalst Formation) material due to them rarely being exposed (last time was over 30 years ago) and due to them being very fossil rich.


Though we first went into the quarry for 30 minutes to find some fossils from the younger layers.

Unfortunately the conditions weren't great for fossils this day, though I managed to find a couple of things.


A gorgeous preserved bivalve in a hard limestone boulder, not sure which layer.




An Echinocorys sp.






After going into the quarry we finally decided to go to the Greensand spoil heaps where I found my best finds.



Here are my Vaalser Greensand fossils

A Belemnitella sp.



My best find, a gorgeous complete Turritella sexlineata






Neithea sexcostata





A small coral (probably Parasmilia centralis) which I was given by @Natalie81




A Trochacanthus tuberculatocincus




Pseudolimea granulata




Gyclymeris geinitzi





Crassatellacea indet




Crassatella sp.




Tellina sp.




Better pics of my Oscillopha armata I found last time.




As always a good trip, though quite hot!
But had a great time with great people! :)


Edited by ziggycardon
  • Enjoyed 4

Interested in all things paleontology, geology, zoology, evolution, natural history and science!
Professional exotic pet keeper, huge fantasy geek, explorer of the microfossil realm, member of the BVP (Belgian Association for Paleontology), Volunteer prepper at Oertijdmuseum Boxtel.  

View my collection topic here:

The Growing Collection of Ziggycardon
My animal collection at the "Members pet" topic

Ziggycardon's exploration of the microfossil realm

Trips to Eben Emael (Maastrichtian of Belgium)

My latest fossil hunt


Next project will be a dedicated prepping space.


"A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge." - Tyrion Lannister




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The second day we went to the Romontbos quarry in Eben Emael.

Another very hot day, but I had great day nonetheless. I mainly searched with my friend Tom, Tineke & Anne.

While I didn't find much, I did come home with some cool micromaterial (Thecidea papillata and Isocrania brachiopods) and two large Pinna which was my best find.
Pinna are quite rare to find unfragmented, so this is quite a cool find, I found them in the lower part of the quarry which is usually flooded. Though to this the outer shell eroded away, but the other valve (still inside the stone) seems intact. I am quite excited to see how it turns out after prep.









Belemnitella junior found by Tom




Neithea regularis




Block with both Pinna


  • Enjoyed 5

Interested in all things paleontology, geology, zoology, evolution, natural history and science!
Professional exotic pet keeper, huge fantasy geek, explorer of the microfossil realm, member of the BVP (Belgian Association for Paleontology), Volunteer prepper at Oertijdmuseum Boxtel.  

View my collection topic here:

The Growing Collection of Ziggycardon
My animal collection at the "Members pet" topic

Ziggycardon's exploration of the microfossil realm

Trips to Eben Emael (Maastrichtian of Belgium)

My latest fossil hunt


Next project will be a dedicated prepping space.


"A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge." - Tyrion Lannister




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With the new material from the past year I also redone and added some more display space.
So I wanted to share my updated Liege/Limburg Cretaceous displays.


The Main display with Bivalves, Gastropods, Belemnites, Sea Urchins, Crinoïds, Decapods and Sea Grass






Display focussing on the Vaalser Greensand and Maastrichtian Flint fossils




New display in the glass showcase focussed on the vertebrate fossils, ammonites, brachiopods, small urchins and microfauna




Maastrichtian Type locality micro fossil drawer




Vaalser Greensand drawer


  • Enjoyed 5

Interested in all things paleontology, geology, zoology, evolution, natural history and science!
Professional exotic pet keeper, huge fantasy geek, explorer of the microfossil realm, member of the BVP (Belgian Association for Paleontology), Volunteer prepper at Oertijdmuseum Boxtel.  

View my collection topic here:

The Growing Collection of Ziggycardon
My animal collection at the "Members pet" topic

Ziggycardon's exploration of the microfossil realm

Trips to Eben Emael (Maastrichtian of Belgium)

My latest fossil hunt


Next project will be a dedicated prepping space.


"A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge." - Tyrion Lannister




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Nice trip report!  Thanks for sharing

  • Thank You 1




“The earth doesn't need new continents, but new men.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea



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 Great finds! Especially the many bivalve species. Big congrats and thanks for sharing.

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Great report Ken, glad we could meet up that day.  :)

It was a nice trip despite the realy hot weather conditions.



  • I Agree 2

growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional.


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Very very cool fossils :) 

  • Thank You 1


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On 8/15/2024 at 11:31 AM, ziggycardon said:

Last weekend (august 10&11) I went with my local fossil club (BVP) on a two day hunting trip to my local cretaceous deposits. 


DISCLAIMER: Again it is forbidden to go enter these quarries on your own!

This is illegal trespassing! Only certain fossil clubs on the designated excursion days are allowed to enter these locations.

Recently a couple of people have been caught trespassing in both quarries, the actions of a few selfish folk could ruin it for all...



The first day we visited the Kreco quarry, Hallembaye, Haccourt, Liége, Belgium - Cretaceous, Maastrichtian/Campanian, 82 - 68 million years old.

I mainly searched in the spoil heaps with Vaalser Greensand (Vaalst Formation) material due to them rarely being exposed (last time was over 30 years ago) and due to them being very fossil rich.


Though we first went into the quarry for 30 minutes to find some fossils from the younger layers.

Unfortunately the conditions weren't great for fossils this day, though I managed to find a couple of things.


A gorgeous preserved bivalve in a hard limestone boulder, not sure which layer.




An Echinocorys sp.






After going into the quarry we finally decided to go to the Greensand spoil heaps where I found my best finds.



Here are my Vaalser Greensand fossils

A Belemnitella sp.



My best find, a gorgeous complete Turritella sexlineata






Neithea sexcostata





A small coral (probably Parasmilia centralis) which I was given by @Natalie81




A Trochacanthus tuberculatocincus




Pseudolimea granulata




Gyclymeris geinitzi





Crassatellacea indet




Crassatella sp.




Tellina sp.




Better pics of my Oscillopha armata I found last time.




As always a good trip, though quite hot!
But had a great time with great people! :)




great report of an interesting excursion i also had the chance of being part of as a member of the BVP. It was nice meeting u and your friends in person and thanks again for sharing your wisdom, as i'm still pretty unexperienced in Cretaceous matters.


Here's some of my pictures from the Kreco quarry..





The spoil heaps of Vaalser greensand in the front..





A partial belemnite like i found it in the burning sun..



I didn't get the chance to proper prep and make decent pictures of my finds but here's some of my favorite finds. 


Some fish remains from the Vaalser greensand..



Echinocorys vulgaris in the chalk, Campanian..



Another Echinocorys found in between the piles of chert..



Feel free to correct me or add more information.




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