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  I found this way back in the 1990's and just yesterday I finally finished up a most beautiful prep job.  I found this in a box in my shed about 3 weeks ago.  Besides fixing most of the things wrong with it, I also carved a stand for it from the concretion it was in.  Made a 2.5 hour video of it too but not published yet.  I have to say, even though this project took way longer than I had anticipated, it was a freakin blast to prep this out the way I did.


This is the way it looked back in the 90's. 



and this is what it looks like now.




Edited by RJB
miss spelling
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Very nice! That is a beauty! :b_love1:

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These always made me drool on the old West-Coast fossil forum. @RJB You were the gastropod king back in the day. I remember this specimen, you had so many purty ones just like it that you paraded out every month. It looks amazing now ! Congrats !

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12 hours ago, Ludwigia said:

What's his moniker? Where was he born?

Sorry about that.  Neptunia tabulata Humboldt County Northern California Pliocene.  Not sure of the Formation but I think its one of the WildCat Group?


2 hours ago, Brett Breakin' Rocks said:

These always made me drool on the old West-Coast fossil forum. @RJB You were the gastropod king back in the day. I remember this specimen, you had so many purty ones just like it that you paraded out every month. It looks amazing now ! Congrats !

Yeah, The California Fossil Forum.  Strange the way it just stopped!  I also just found some super duper outstanding unprepped gastro's in one of my garages the other day that I totally forgot about.  The sulcosifo species, one is a double and one is a triple.  Might get to those this winter but have a bunch of crabs comin and that will take much of the winter.

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That's gorgeous! Congratulations on finishing an amazing prep job. I shudder to think of the man hours. Oh, that's right, 2.5 hours, as in the video. (Joking!)

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