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Absolutely tiny scale like fossils in a larger rock?


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Hopefully the flash on the photos is okay, it was the only way I was able to actually capture the detail of the teeny tiny fossils in this rock. If anyone can help me identify what creature/plant that's found itself trapped in this rock for eternity, I'd be extremely grateful! 


I found this today in one of our fields, I'm from the south east of the UK so we have lots of chalk cliffs nearby. When I first got this home I thought it was insect eggs, then realised they didn't budge at all and were rock solid. Once I washed it in warm water I began noticing other even smaller areas of potential fossil. They all looked somewhat scale like, but I've never found anything this detailed before so haven't a clue where to begin with researching it.


For context, the clearest scale pattern in the first zoomed in photo is no bigger than 5mm. They are minute, but so detailed. To the left of main scale pattern is another dotted sort of fossil, which is even smaller and I have a hard time seeing it with my own eyes. The darker photo is another potential fossil on the back of the rock. 

I asked some family members and they've all said it looks like a chunk of Sussex marble which often contain lots of shell and water creatures. But this scale like pattern was definitely different to others I've seen.


Thank in advance to anyone who can lend some knowledge! :)









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Bryozoan was my first thought as well.





Fossil hunting is easy -- they don't run away when you shoot at them!

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