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Creek With Friends


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Well Rob (Haizahnjager) got into the Travel Lodge about 8:15 Monday night Cris and I went over to meet him at about 8:30 we talked for a good hour and a half as he showed us a very small part of his amazing collection. Cor and a couple of his buddies got in about 10 that night we hung out with them for an hour or so. Today we ventured out early to a creek in Gainesville and started diggin holes. Cor and Arnold dominated the day with Cor finding 3 decent Makos one being super super nice but the shovel got it, and Arnold was the hemi king today with 3 nice hemi's one being well over an inch. Here's some pics.




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I figured you guys were working that creek pretty hard, now I know better than to show you any other sweet spots

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I feel left out no one called :P I waited till 10pm to hear from someone :( . Oh well I am really tied up now but tomrrow afternoon I hope to get togher with you guys for a few hrs so call me. You guys look like you all had a great time and sure did find some nice teeth. How were the bugs haha! Nice pictures too! B)B)B)B) LOL! LOL! Every time I see Cris he is digging a hole some where!



It's my bone!!!

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Looks like a splendid time was had by all.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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sweet, looks like a nice place to hunt! nice finds too, cris too bad the tips gone from that meg, its a nice one!

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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Guys, despite my spasming back, I had a great time. Getting to meet new people and discuss fossils is what it's all about. If one puts in the work, the fossils will eventually come. I do have two words for you though:


I hope you guys tear it up the rest of the week, happy hunting and thanks again.

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Ah, Gainesville creeks. Looks like y'all had a good time. I've been meaning to do some more hunting around here, but between my only screen breaking and school work, I haven't had much of a chance. Hopefully I'll get out there this summer.

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The fossil gang! We don't need no stinking permits!!!!!!! What you boys doing!!!! Nuttin! I was going to tell you all a fossil hunting story but I'll leave that to Anson or Cris LOL.






It's my bone!!!

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Cor and his two friends had permits, but Worthy had them at his place...Anson's and mine had went expired... Sooo when he came down and asked Cor if they had permits, he told them that they were across the road at a friend's house.... The guy wasn't too bad, though... He said if we wanted to look with our hands, that was fine and we could keep whatever we found, but if we want to screen stuff we should have the permits on us.

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hahahahaha you shure look like a goofy bunch! :P:) wish i was there, looks like a lot of fun!

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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Yeah ! All said and done, I really think every one had a great time B) . I was very happy to meet every body but sorry I missed Robert. But wait we are not finished yet so stay tuned in who knows what may happen next :P:P:PB):D .


It's my bone!!!

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No permit needed to look with your hands, but one needed

for screening? Is their thinking, you will find a lot more

with screening?

Just trying to figure that one out..

Welcome to the forum!

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What a band of renegade scofflaws, hahaha. I'm glad TX has no such state intervention. Landowners can be a bit touchy out this way. I'll post a thread soon on the repertoire I've found to work quite often in securing permission to collect private property, not the research side but the personal communication side of the equation, which is just as important. I used it yesterday to talk a buddy and me into an active quarry I've never visited. Hopefully this will result in another bumper crop of echinoids this weekend.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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And the trip goes on!!!! We went to the Suwannee river but the water was up and dark . So on the way back to the Santa Fe we stoped at a rock pit and picked up some urchins. Then we hit the Santa Fe and hunted there for awhile . Sharky found a nice watch and Aron and David found some gator and tapir teeth and other fossils. A good time was had by all. Saturday we did real good at the creeks Sharky and his gang will have to give the final tally on how many teeth we found 1k plus I am thinking. Sharky has more pictures too. Oh we met the owner of elasmo.com while at Dr Hubbes house also a real nice guy.. B)B)B)B):D:D










It's my bone!!!

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Forgive my ignorance, but doesn't Fla waters have critters in them that eat people. :blink:

There are some but not where I hunt and in most cases they see you as to big to mess with. You just have to watch what your doing. B)B)B):D


It's my bone!!!

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