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Is this a dinosaur tooth? If so, what type?

Bone Daddy

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Between the weather and my busy schedule, I haven't been able to get out into the field, so I have been fossil-hunting in my mailbox.


I bought a small collection of pieces that was something of a mish-mash. The labeling sucks. Some of the labels are missing and some are mixed up.


This tooth did not have a label. It was mixed in with dinosaur material, including a sauropod eggshell fragment from South America, some hadrosaur bone fragments from the western US, and some Moroccan fossils. I don't know where this piece came from - it could be Morocco, it could be South America, it could be the US, or.....


It measures 50mm long x 11mm wide at the base. It doesn't appear to be glued or repaired, but looks like it was sealed with some kind of butvar or poly.


Does anyone know what critter this tooth is from? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance!










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Kicking it off, I'm going to take a wild guess and say this might be a spinosaur tooth from Morocco. 

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I agree with spinosaurus because of the conical shape and color.

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Spinosaur makes sense and fits with the appearance of the piece and the context of the collection it was found in. I think that's probably a safe bet.

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