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Birthday Fossil Hunt Along the Calvert Cliffs


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The child in me doesn’t like working on my birthday, so I like to  take the day off to try to get out on the beach for a hunt.

We had some crazy weather the days before with wind gusts up to 60mph! It had my hopes high to find myself a large tooth for my birthday.


So yesterday me and my girlfriend got up early to kayak out on the bay to watch the sunrise before going to the cliff to start our hunt.

It was a beautiful morning and the water was nice and calm, it’s hard to believe there was 6 foot waves not but a day and a half before.


Once we land, after only about 15 minutes on the beach and I find an amazing 1.79” megalodon!




And before I could catch up with my girlfriend to show her, I spot a really nice 1.72” hastalis tumbling in the water!

We continue on with the finds slowing down after passing some fellow fossil hunters on the beach, but still finding some nice smaller teeth in the wash. I found another decent hastalis right as we turned around and a really nice shark vertebra before we got back to the kayaks.


It was a great morning and I can’t think of a better way to spend my birthday. I may not have got that big tooth I’ve been hunting for, but I definitely can’t complain the the great haul I ended up with! Thanks for reading, see y’all next time!



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A Happy Birthday to you, fellow Marylander!! Great array of presents. :yay-smiley-1:

Edited by automech
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Happy Birthday!
Goal Accomplished! Congratulations on the big teeth!

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   VFOTM.png.f1b09c78bf88298b009b0da14ef44cf0.png    VFOTM  --- APRIL - 2015       MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png      PaleoPartner.png.30c01982e09b0cc0b7d9d6a7a21f56c6.png.a600039856933851eeea617ca3f2d15f.png     Postmaster1.jpg.900efa599049929531fa81981f028e24.jpg        IPFOTM -- MAY - 2024   IPFOTM5.png.fb4f2a268e315c58c5980ed865b39e1f.png

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

John Muir ~ ~ ~ ~   ><))))( *>  About Me      

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Happy Birthday! And great finds!

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Sounds like the fossil gods were wishing you a happy birthday!



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8 minutes ago, Ludwigia said:


That’s adorable! Thank you! Wishing you luck on future trips

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Happy Birthday!:yay-smiley-1:

Congratulations on your Birthday "gifts".

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Dipleurawhisperer5.jpg          MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png

I like Trilo-butts and I cannot lie.


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Happy Birthday, and nice finds!!!


A nice meg, for your birthday.

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Congrats, you seem to find a meg every time you go out. That is impressive.


How were the beaches after that big storm? Did it strip much sand off the beach? Deposit a ton of sand? I'm planning to get out on Monday, hoping that the rough weather mixed things up and exposed some stuff that has been buried under all the sand that has accumulated this year.

Edited by dsaavedra
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@dsaavedraThank you, I have been having pretty good lucky lately finding a megalodon more times than not.


The beach was a mixed bag, there was sections completely striped I’d sand and also spots where you will sink almost to your knees. The water has also been a little higher than I have been expecting. The areas near some of the larger falls seem to have been mixed up lot by the weather, so I expect good finds to be coming out over the next weeks.


Good luck on Monday the weather seems to be in your favor!

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2 hours ago, Bjohn170 said:

@dsaavedraThank you, I have been having pretty good lucky lately finding a megalodon more times than not.


The beach was a mixed bag, there was sections completely striped I’d sand and also spots where you will sink almost to your knees. The water has also been a little higher than I have been expecting. The areas near some of the larger falls seem to have been mixed up lot by the weather, so I expect good finds to be coming out over the next weeks.


Good luck on Monday the weather seems to be in your favor!


Thanks for the intel. Hope my trip is as good as yours have been!

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Happy birthday and great finds! Every trip you post you make me want to pick up a kayak and get out there. Congrats on the pristine Meg and the relatively undamaged vert!

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@Andúril Flame of the West Thank you! The kayak definitely helps, and it’s beautiful being out on the bay on a calm morning. If you wanna try before you buy, PM me and we can plan a day to meet-up to kayak the cliffs, I got an extra!

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1 hour ago, Bjohn170 said:

@Andúril Flame of the West Thank you! The kayak definitely helps, and it’s beautiful being out on the bay on a calm morning. If you wanna try before you buy, PM me and we can plan a day to meet-up to kayak the cliffs, I got an extra!

You are building the memories of a lifetime,  make sure you get some photos of the scenery , the girlfriend,  the kayak... 

I treasure my times with family and friends on the Peace River




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The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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