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Some Type Of Claw?


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Heres a claw or something like a claw that Rob (Haizahnjager) found in the creek today. I've never seen anything like it so I haven't a clue as to what it is.



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Heres a claw or something like a claw that Rob (Haizahnjager) found in the creek today. I've never seen anything like it so I haven't a clue as to what it is.

Is it possible that it's a bone that has been formed into a bird point? Other than that I have no idea.

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It looks like an ungual...terminal phalange of a digit. Better known as a 'claw'.

I no 'zip' about what creature it's from.

If you show the proximal end of the fossil (flat end) it could confirm it as an ungual.

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I was pretty sure it was a claw it does have a somewhat flat end on it its slightly depressed, could it be from a turtle?

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How long is it? It looks pretty small. But, it doesn't look too unlike theropod unguals. Its definitely an ungual, though. I'm gonna go ahead and guess some kind of ungual phalanx (aka claw core) from a small bird, probably some sort of ground bird like a galliform. (galliformes includes birds like pheasants, grouse, chicken, turkey, etc., if I remember correctly - basically typically ground dwelling game birds).


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I was pretty sure it was a claw it does have a somewhat flat end on it its slightly depressed, could it be from a turtle?

Turtle claws that I've seen tend to have a pronounced hook. Your claw seems to have some damage to the margin on both sides. Does your claw look like this?




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In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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at first glance i also thought turtle, but after thinking about it i realized that the turtle claws that i have seen have been blunt at the tip and do not have super pronounced blood grooves in them. in other words i have no idea but i will continue to think about it.

very cool none the less.


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I saw the claw and it didn't appear to be damaged at all...Odd thing was how it was almost like two pieces... The long part that connected to the leg and went to a tip, then a sideways piece that made each edge of the claw very sharp and the bottom flat.

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Doesnt really look like a hoof at least not to me. And it doesnt resemble a turtle claw at all i think Boesse is on the right track though some type of bird.

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I looked, but I don't have a lot of 'gator claw-cores in my drawer. I don't have one exactly like this one; nonetheless, I believe it is likely to be a 'gator claw-core.

It is NOT an alligator snapper (Macroclemys sp.) claw-core. I suppose it could be a marine turtle claw-core; I just don't have any experience with those.

Here's an enhanced original image . . . see what you think.




What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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Here is a picture of the ungual phalanx of the croc Thecachampsa antiquus from the Miocene of Maryland. Croc or gator claw seems right to me.


---Wie Wasser schleift den Stein, wir steigen und fallen---

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This should have been mentioned before, but this was found in Miocene marine deposits....'gator, croc and marine turtle are all in there.

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That Croc claw looks exactly like it, I bet thats what it is. I'll let Rob know.

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