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Hey, been a while, so i decided to start a new topic for the new year. Headed out on Thursday 25/01 to the river shores in Antwerp again. First hunt of the year since i've worked non-stop so far and a contractor is rebuilding our house.. It was great being out again so i was already pleased on beforehand, finding some nice teeth made it even better 😁 here's some in situ pics..


Rolled C. hastalis




C. hastalis in excellent shape



my first Parotodus benedeni ever, not in great shape but an awesome find anyway 😀



Finally a complete 6cm C. hastalis 



And some random mammal teeth



Had a great first hunt of the year, and I already feel like going back!


oh yeah, here's the whole lot cleaned up.. Surprised about how many different species i got covered this time 😄





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Very nice variation in your finds! :)

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Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.


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I also found this presumed part of horse skull which isn't fossilized tho...



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11 minutes ago, Tidgy's Dad said:

Very nice variation in your finds! :)

Thx! That's actually what pleased me the most about this trip 😀

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Whoop :yay-smiley-1:

That 6cm C. hastalis is amazing! 

Lots of Anthropocene deposits there! Strange seeing the fossils in amongst the bricks etc.

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28 minutes ago, Doctor Mud said:

Whoop :yay-smiley-1:

That 6cm C. hastalis is amazing! 

Lots of Anthropocene deposits there! Strange seeing the fossils in amongst the bricks etc.

Actually that's what makes the teeth stand out nicely in between...


But yeah i could probably construct a medieval cathedral with the original ornaments, WW2 bunker brick walls and some nice retro- and mosaic tiling with the human made debris lying around here 😁 makes it hard to age those mammal teeth tho..


Edited by dries85
Removed double video
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Great finds! Thanks for sharing them!!

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Bulldozers and dirt Bulldozers and dirt
behind the trailer, my desert
Them red clay piles are heaven on earth
I get my rocks off, bulldozers and dirt

Patterson Hood; Drive-By Truckers


image.png.0c956e87cee523facebb6947cb34e842.png May 2016  MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png.a47e14d65deb3f8b242019b3a81d8160.png.b42a25e3438348310ba19ce6852f50c1.png May 2012 IPFOTM5.png.fb4f2a268e315c58c5980ed865b39e1f.png.1721b8912c45105152ac70b0ae8303c3.png.2b6263683ee32421d97e7fa481bd418a.pngAug 2013, May 2016, Apr 2020 VFOTM.png.f1b09c78bf88298b009b0da14ef44cf0.png.af5065d0585e85f4accd8b291bf0cc2e.png.72a83362710033c9bdc8510be7454b66.png.9171036128e7f95de57b6a0f03c491da.png Oct 2022

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On 1/27/2024 at 11:24 PM, dries85 said:

Actually that's what makes the teeth stand out nicely in between...

Great video!


it does make them stand out! I presume the teeth have weathered out from the cliffs? I vaguely recall people digging into gravel deposits and sieving in Belgium for teeth. But of course there could be more than one site!


do you find marine mammal material like earbones? 

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On 1/29/2024 at 6:24 AM, Doctor Mud said:

Great video!


it does make them stand out! I presume the teeth have weathered out from the cliffs? I vaguely recall people digging into gravel deposits and sieving in Belgium for teeth. But of course there could be more than one site!


do you find marine mammal material like earbones? 

Yeah most teeth are actually very weathered and even unrecogbizably polished down, though once in a while some really pristine tooth pops up. The big teeth wash up with the large pieces of debris here, there's places with way less debris and way better quality small teeth too. So it's all about personal choice i guess.. The river Schelde is a tidal river with the North Sea very close, so pretty much anything can wash up here i suppose...

In Antwerp the river cuts through different Miocene, Pliocene and i believe also Eocene outcrops. The gravel deposits you are referring to are actually huge piles of mixed Neogene glauconite sands they dredged out of the river while building the docks in the port of Antwerp. They get sifted still and after more than 20 years they still keep giving.

But actually all over Antwerp these Neogene Sands are so close under the surface that even on construction sites in the city center you can find shark teeth and actually a wide range of marine fossils. Like whale and dolphin bones, teeth, verts, periotics and bulla's.. 

So that's a little background.. sorry if my English might come across a little clumsy, i'm not a native speaker 😅





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And i also went out hunting the river shores again on Sunday 01/28, weather was nice and sunny so being out there was already quite enjoyable by itself. Some nice finds made it even better 😁


After one minute I spotted this bovine tooth smiling at me in the sun..




And another one..





The first shark tooth of the the day, a very worn C. hastalis





A sand tiger.. 





Really weathered orange one..





The first complete C. hastalis





Another bovine..





A well hidden Isurus retroflexus





Raja clavata spine ( idk if that's the right word for it?)





C. hastalis Hidden in the sand





A razorsharp I. oxyrinchus with some damage.. 😔





And a final group shot of everyone in the sun 😎 i guess that would be a handfull..




The white thing on the left is what you could a 'native Antwerpian' clay pipe, used by mainly Dutch sailors in between 1580 and 1960.

It's actually a bit like finding an arrowhead in the US...


Had a great hunt, thx for following!


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Always finding awesome stuff! 

the pipe caught my eye. Sea monster tooth. 




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And the whole lot cleaned up..



I also found this presumed bovine horn, though it appears to be on the large side for regular recent cow..



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4 minutes ago, Balance said:

Always finding awesome stuff! 

the pipe caught my eye. Sea monster tooth. 




Thanks! Maybe i should have awaited the wild guesses on that pipe instead of spoiling the fun 😆 

There's a great site about those which is also great to exercise your Dutch..




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15 hours ago, dries85 said:

sorry if my English might come across a little clumsy, i'm not a native speaker

All crystal clear to me and very interesting. Thanks for sharing! Amazing that these big dredged piles keep giving up the goods 

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Had to take a day off from work on wednesday 01/31 because i needed to get some things done at the bank.. Which left me with half a day of free time exactly on the right moment to hunt some river shore by low tide 😏. I decided to hit up a slightly different spot this time, more beach-like and less human debris...




However due to a strong wind blowing from the West most shark teeth seemed to be covered by a thin layer of sludge which made them hard to find..




Mostly bits and pieces tho, but i managed to find a whale/dolphin earbone, 2 dolphin teeth and some pieces of mammal teeth. And right before my fingers were getting too cold to be able to pick up things i saw this canine jaw..




Time to go home and warm up, and get these teeth cleaned up...

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Think you got a grey wolf this time? Or a modern-ish Fido?






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23 minutes ago, Balance said:


Think you got a grey wolf this time? Or a modern-ish Fido?







Honestly no clue 😅 I was already pleased with the assessment 'old dog', but now you're making me wonder...

Anyway a 'Fido' i'd rather not have nibbling my toes 



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On 1/29/2024 at 6:24 AM, Doctor Mud said:

Do you find marine mammal material like earbones? 


Here's some close ups of the delphinid teeth and earbone.





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Fantastic Finds..... I am VERY partial to Dolphin teeth and ear bones. Thanks for sharing.

Here is a Dire Wolf premolar 4 (the tooth next to your carnassial).  The Length of the chewing surface is approximately 20 mm.. Your equivalent tooth seems to be 12-13 mm



At 43-44 mm, you Bulla is quite large,  small whale or Large Dolphin like



Here is a smaller Dolphin Bulla


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The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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5 hours ago, Shellseeker said:

Fantastic Finds..... I am VERY partial to Dolphin teeth and ear bones. Thanks for sharing.

Here is a Dire Wolf premolar 4 (the tooth next to your carnassial).  The Length of the chewing surface is approximately 20 mm.. Your equivalent tooth seems to be 12-13 mm



At 43-44 mm, you Bulla is quite large,  small whale or Large Dolphin like



Here is a smaller Dolphin Bulla



Well then 'old dog' it is, thanks for enlightening me. And as a trade for your wisdom here's some ear bones i sifted out last year, all come from the same temporary construction site in the Antwerp city center.








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