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Stromatoporoid Identification


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I recently collected a stromatoporoid fossil from Mortimer Forest in Shropshire, UK. I've since bought some general ID guides to help me with my other fossils, and in the one I'm currently using (Atlas of Invertebrate Macrofossils by John F. Murray) all of the stromatoporoid photos look to be thin sections under a microscope. I've also found a couple sources online that say stromatoporoids are identified using thin slices under a microscope.


Unfortunately I don't have access to a high-powered microscope nor equipment/knowledge to produce those thin slices, and so my question is can my ID be taken further than stromatoporoid? I have a x15 hand lens but that is of course nowhere near a microscope. I think by using the general order descriptions in the Atlas I could try, but I'm not sure...


Thank you :)

Edited by EntomoloJosh
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Without even trying to imply taxonomic affinities:

Labechia carbonaria Smith 1932 in the Early Carboniferous of England; affinity, palaeogeographic position and implications for the geological history of stromatoporoid-type sponges.

Stephen Kershaw and Consuelo Sendino


Journal of Palaeogeography (2020) 9:29


You may find it useful, and there's absolutely no denying Kershaw's pedigree in the study of paleozoic calcifying (clonal) organisms.

Mind the potentially confounding effects of intraskeletal (syn-vivo or otherwise) invasive organisms (e.g. , borers , symbionts,intergrowth with other carbonate secreting organisms, compaction,diagenesis, space competition. et very many cetera


edit: size: about 9,5 MB



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