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Oklahoma 2, Waurika and Lake Texoma


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 Oklahoma 2

 After heavy rains arrived the afternoon of my first day fossil hunting, I headed further south and west in hopes of better weather conditions on day two. My decision was to overnight in Waurika and then check out a Lower Permian site in the area. To my surprise, no motel or restaurant existed in town, so I had to backtrack 40 miles to satisfy my belly and find a place to sleep. Not a good start. In the morning, I headed to a popular easy pickings spot to spend the morning at. What I encountered was a water saturated landscape. Quicksand mud was everywhere after the rains of yesterday. In addition to the problematic mud, the terrain was interspersed with rough rugged reddish Mars like rocks. I made it out to the exposure, only to be disappointed that finds were almost nonexistent. A little Malachite and a few possible fossils were all I could find in areas able to be traversed by foot. Those that suggested me to be on my hands and knees will be disappointed that I did not follow their advice due to the mud.


1. This was the typical red rock I mentioned. At least some had Malachite attached.




2. Possible plant fossil, and  a strong suspicion its from Lepidodendron.






3. Finally, these specimens take on the look of a bivalve and the donut-shaped piece could be a vertebra from Archeria, a Permian amphibian






The afternoon would be spent further east along the north shore of Lake Texoma. On the way, I stopped at a small roadcut and collected these fossils. The formation seems similar but a little different than what I saw at the lake. These are the finds from the roadcut. Does anyone have a guess as to the formation these came from?























10. Some angles look like turrilites but then another angle looks more like turritella 





After that short stop, it was off to the lake. Research at home showed a suggested public access road down to the lake. In reality, it was gated off and signage for trespassers to be prosecuted. As I turned around in disappointment, a gentleman was walking on the road. I stopped and asked if my directions to this site were correct. He verified it was but then told me of public land close by that if I didn’t mind a long walk, would take me to my desired location. I took his suggestion and after a vigorous downhill walk, arrived at the lakeshore. Water levels were low, exposing quite a bit of rocky shoreline. Oyster, bivalves and ammonites were everywhere. Unfortunately the nice ammonites were too large to drag back up the hill, let alone fit in my suitcase for the trip home. So representative pieces were collected as a remembrance of the area. Once home, I felt these specimens fit the Cretaceous Duck Creek Formation.












4. Plicatula.











7.  This specimen is likely rock, but mimics a fossil enough to let those familiar with the area give their thoughts.










9. A smooth large ammonite. Are those oyster attachments on its one side?






11. The only small ammonite found, a tiny Mortoniceras.







13. Smooth ammonite 




14. This is the largest chunk of ammonite collected. I stumbled on another complete Eopachydiscus that appeared to be 2.5 to 3 feet across laying on the beach appearing to have been prepped out. It took all my might to even flip it over to examine the other side. My suspicion is that the owner of this ammonite ran out of steam and decided to just leave it on the beach. I also left it for someone stronger than I.














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Sounds like a fun adventure! The small coiled unlabeled fossils look a bit like turrilites to me, but I am not an expert, so I’ll also follow for analysis by someone who is more confident in knowing what they are. Thanks for sharing your finds with us! I like the small mortoniceras and the inoceramus. 

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Fantastic finds, Mike... We are living the sweet life,  out in nature, collecting the treasures of Eons and learning new stuff.. 

You know, we probably know enough to teach some Paleontology lecture series to wet behind the ears students.  :headscratch:

NAH! I like rural open spaces with more animals and fewer humans...

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The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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3 hours ago, Shaun-DFW Fossils said:

The small coiled unlabeled fossils look a bit like turrilites to me,


@Shaun-DFW Fossils, Do you mean 8,9 and 10 would be Turrilites? Pictures of Turrilites do look similar. I was surprised they would be ammonites!

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36 minutes ago, minnbuckeye said:


@Shaun-DFW Fossils, Do you mean 8,9 and 10 would be Turrilites? Pictures of Turrilites do look similar. I was surprised they would be ammonites!

That’s what I’m thinking! looks a little “iffy” and the more I look at them the more I doubt it..lol! Some angles look like turrilites but then another angle looks more like turritella or something..I’m sure someone will know better than me and I look forward to their analysis 

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5 minutes ago, Shaun-DFW Fossils said:

I look forward to their analysis 


As do I.

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For your Waurika finds, #1 is a plant fossil, and I have a strong suspicion its from Lepidodendron.  I find many bits al over my own Permian site, and I have (1) that progresses from the straight lines into a diamond pattern at the top.  So far I havent found any Permian / Carboniferous plant experts to discuss these with.


The donut-shaped piece could be a vertebra from Archeria. 

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Professional fossil preparation services at Red Dirt Fossils, LLC.  https://reddirtfossils.com/

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@hadrosauridae, Thanks for the identifications! I was more successful at the Permian site than I thought. Now I want to return when it is dry!

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I had a go at those Lake Texoma ammonites 2 years ago and know what you mean by the size. Too big to put in a suitcase to travel home but neat to see in situ. I enjoyed your 3 part post on your recent travels.




A more manageable size for the trip home.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Shame about the wash-out on the first stop. though I like the Martian Malachite, but you found some nice specimens later on.:)

Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.


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