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Need help identifying these Florida bones - Mastodon / Mammoth?

Tom Carmichael

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Hello folks - Please see the attached two photos. I am trying to identifying the bones in the photos and have numbered each piece and I took photos of BOTH sides of each piece. For two of the bones, I took a third picture. These all came out of Florida. I believe bone #2 is a Mastodon jaw bone and bone #3 is a scapula to either a Mammoth or Mastodon. Please note that bone #7 (3rd photo) has a concave shape / cup in the middle of it. Thanks for your input. Tom





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Congratulations, Tom, on being better organized than average.  Your images also are clearer than average.  That said, I don't see anything identifiable in your images.  Groups of this size are not usefully imaged.  The suggestion below, and others, appear in the "About Me" portion of my Forum Profile.


GROUP IMAGES of more than a few fossils are not effective. The more individual fossils in an image, the greater the amount of tabletop is in the image. Viewers cannot see the details of a fossil that might take up less than five percent of the total image. Photograph a single fossil (or two or three, if they're tiny), and post that image.

DON'T OBSCURE details of the fossil by pinching it between your fingers. If you want to use fingers to provide scale, support the fossil from below ... that is, on top of your fingers. To improve the focus, rest your hand with the fossil on a stable surface like a table or desk.

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What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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Thanks Harry for the advice. I will put up individual photos of each fossil. Tom

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