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Is this dino claw real, fake or both?

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Hi everyone,  My name is Tony.  I'm from Northern Illinois.   I've been collecting fossils for about 25 years.   I've been  watching for a long time and decided it was time to sign up.  I would like some of your opinions on a cool claw I acquired from a reputable but not very knowledgeable dealer.  I bought it as a Dromaeosaur.  I think the primary thing that bothers me is the weight.   It's 3" long (straight line) and only weighs 28 grams.  Here are a few pics.   I can't wait for every ones' opinion. 























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I wouldnt worry so much about the authenticity.  Mongolian fossils are illegal to export from their country without permit (which this would absolutely not have).  So your question becomes, "is this an illegal fossil, or a legal fabrication?"  Neither answer is going to be good.


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Professional fossil preparation services at Red Dirt Fossils, LLC.  https://reddirtfossils.com/

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See ? The little holes, the texture and the bone texture following the curve are all characteristic for a real claw. Also the blood line is really hard to imitate, in this case, it looks real.

Could this be a Velociraptor claw ?


Edited by Brevicolis

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Thank you both for your input.   It sounds like my original instincts were right about the authenticity.   As for hadrosauridaes comments,   If it is illegal, what do I do with it?  I do know a lot of his more interesting stuff comes from older collections.  Usually from the 1980s.   So The dealer isn't a smuggler.  I believe he just made an honest bad decision, as did I.   But I'm still curious.  If it's real,  Why so light?  Is it simply from the matrix it came to rest in?

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It looks very real to me as well.  As for its weight... it probably has very little mineral replacement, and certainly nit much infilling all the cavities in the bone's structure.  

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This a real and authentic claw, and a very beautiful one at that.

Very nice find. Always good to see , congrats on this one :bone_claw:

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