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Platecarpus Skull


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Well, I found this in 2001, and it's finally finished. For those that are not familiar with the mosasaurs of the western interior seaway, this is a Platecarpus skull, though I haven't determined the exact species. It's 98% complete and I also have almost 30 vertebrae as well as 16-18 ribs. No flippers were recovered.

I dug this one up in western Kansas the day after I broke two ribs when a ledge collapsed.

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Edited by Boneman007
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Well, I found this in 2001, and it's finally finished. For those that are not familiar with the mosasaurs of the western interior seaway, this is a Platecarpus skull, though I haven't determined the exact species. It's 98% complete and I also have almost 30 vertebrae as well as 16-18 ribs. No flippers were recovered.

I dug this one up in western Kansas the day after I broke two ribs when a ledge collapsed.

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That's finder!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awesome :o:D:)

p.s. Welcome to the fossil forum :)

Edited by Fossili Veraci

Erosion... will be my epitaph!




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Very nice! How long did it take to restore?

P.S.: Welcome to the forum! :D

Edited by Mike Owens

-----"Your Texas Connection!"------

Fossils: Windows to the past

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Very nice skull. Good job.

If its form KS, can I assume it was found in a flattened state?

Edited by jpc
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Excellent find and it sure cleaned up nice! I hope to find some kind of fossil skull one of

these days..

Welcome to the forum!

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Great find. You did a wonderful job of restoring it.

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Alfred North Whithead

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Well after falling out of the chair I decided to say something, Excellent Piece!

I wouldn't mind mounting that to my coffee table!

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Totally sweet! Bet there is several hundred hours gone into that! Well done.

Rock kickers of the world unite

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Great piece, you did an outstanding job mounting that!



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Now that's an awesome kitchen counter ornament! I wonder if I could convince the wife to get rid of the blender/mixer/canister set to make some room to get me something like that? :P The plant fossils on our kitchen table just aint working for her. I want one of them!

Super find and prep! Thanks for sharing. Welcome to the forum! Regards, Chris

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Amazing fossil! I run the risk of making an enemy of everybody with an entry, but did you know about the fossil of the month contest? :blush:

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Edited by danwoehr


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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I have one not quite as complete I need fixed up like that. I've sent you a PM.

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For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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I believe that the skull is a Platecarpus planifrons after reading up on Platecarpus on www.oceansofkansas.com.

As far as the preparation, I have to admit that I did not do the preparation myself. The skull was in the more stable yellow chalk (for those familiar with the Niobrara formation), but it was near the surface so it had suffered from freeze/thaw problems. I was able to remove the skull in one 300 lb. block, which helped preserve it. It required a lot of slow cleaning and stabalization, but it was well worth it!!

Luckily I was able to trade some fossil material for the preparation work, so it did hurt too bad!


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