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Labor Day Udig Trip


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During Labor day weekend I'm going back to dig at the UDIG quarry near Delta Utah. My best friend and his son will be going with me. They are closed on Sundays but I'll be digging on that Friday and Saturday and look for some other goodies in the area on Sunday. I thought this might make a cool forum trip if anyone else wants to go. I'm mentioning it way early so interested parties have time to make plans. I know the Trilobite Jam is in July but I thought the weather would be much better in early September.


If only my teeth are so prized a million years from now!

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Trilobite jam in July could be too hot, but it could be an unique occasion to find different trilobites than the usual wheeler fauna (elrathia or asaphiscus). I should like to try... :)

Have a good Labor day hunt :D

Edited by Fossili Veraci

Erosion... will be my epitaph!




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