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Favorite Places To Buy Fossils


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Hey, I'm new to the site, made my profile a little while ago and now I'm going to start browsing around a bit more.

Just curious where you folks buy most of your fossils from. My collecting started about a year ago, and most of what I have is from the Black Hills Institute. I'm off to go post in the new members section now!

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I believe this topic has been done before, so a search may turn up more information.

I like buying over the internet from Extinctions. Go to their "fossils for sale" page to see the variety of specimens offered.

Of course you know that Black Hills is a good dealer to buy from. I bought from them at the Denver and Tucson shows.

Hey, I'm new to the site, made my profile a little while ago and now I'm going to start browsing around a bit more.

Just curious where you folks buy most of your fossils from. My collecting started about a year ago, and most of what I have is from the Black Hills Institute. I'm off to go post in the new members section now!

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a new site that has a variety of things is www.fossilshack.com it is quite new, i beleive they are still adding most of the merchandise.


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I buy from various sites, but just as important is that I DON'T buy from Morrocco, just too many fakes and altered fossils :angry:

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B) Don't usually buy fossils, when I do it's from paleo enterprises.They are honest,cheap, and fast.Also check the fossols he has at local shows just in case. :D


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Hey, I'm new to the site, made my profile a little while ago and now I'm going to start browsing around a bit more.

Just curious where you folks buy most of your fossils from. My collecting started about a year ago, and most of what I have is from the Black Hills Institute. I'm off to go post in the new members section now!

I tend to buy mostly at shows (Tucson, Denver, sometimes the Tampa show). Tucson is the best because of the variety. The Natural Canvas is a good online dealer with a wide variety of fossils from trilobites to dinosaurs to plants and the best fossil catalogue (print-out) I've ever seen (tons of photos). The owner knows a lot about weird stuff too like rare dinosaurs and soft-bodied animals.

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Perhaps if you were more specific as to your fossil interests, e.g.; ammonites, dinosaur, shark, trilobites, etc., forum members could help direct you to the better sites where such material is available.

Welcome to The Fossil Forum - an incredible wealth of information lies within!!

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I tend to buy less fossils in these trouble times.. I prefer save money to travel.

In the past years I bough fossils mostly at shows like Denver, Macomb, Sainte Marie aux Mine and Munich in Germany. I also like to make some offers at Aurora Fossil Auction :)

Erosion... will be my epitaph!




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Right now my main interests are dinosaurs (and any mesozoic water reptiles), shark teeth, fish, and trilobites. Anything that's miscellaneous and interesting I'll pick up, found a Castoroides tooth that's an interesting conversation piece. I've browsed around Extinctions quite a bit, tons to see there.

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For shark teeth and other miocene to pleistocene fossils, i'd recommend our very own Megateeth.com. I've met him at the Venice shark tooth festival and he seems like a very nice guy.I havent personally purchased any fossils ever, but If I was going to buy a tooth, I'd go here first.

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For shark teeth and other miocene to pleistocene fossils, i'd recommend our very own Megateeth.com. I've met him at the Venice shark tooth festival and he seems like a very nice guy.I havent personally purchased any fossils ever, but If I was going to buy a tooth, I'd go here first.

Bill at Megateeth.com is a buying experience that CANNOT be matched period.... I have bought more teeth from him than anybody else.

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