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Zeus P

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I was told this was a Mammal tooth and that it could most likely be a dire wolf but I myself am somewhat new to fossil identifications and can not confirm this.


Found in the Peace River in Florida. Help?


Thank you so very much.  - Zeus and his mother Heather






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10 minutes ago, Zeus P said:


I tagged a member who is an expert on things from peace river, he will get a notification for this topic, and then he'll probably see it and help, as I cant help.

Click on his name, then you will get lead to his profile.

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Jacks hunting today. So he won’t be around the forum till later this evening. Just FYI. 

It’s a canine. From what will depend on size. To save time later go ahead and measure the length and width in mm. And add it to the post with the edit feature. 

Welcome and congratulations. That’s a rare find whomever it belongs too. 


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Jp, thank you so very much! I will add that this evening.

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“For your information” 


It’s  my way of saying, “just in case you weren’t aware here’s some information that’s important to the topic” , but it could also be taken as an insult of intelligence if it was used with attitude and sarcasm. 

Perhaps it’s a cultural thing or maybe just force of habit but i constantly forget that this is an international forum and lots of folks don’t speak English as their first language. Let alone “American” which I am heavily covered in that vernacular’s  colloquialisms. It’s worse because we have multiple “American” versions of speech too. The educated will argue there’s only one proper English and that’s true for writing but if you come to rural Florida you will hear a very different English than if you’re in New York. Parts of Louisiana have creole and French influences added to their “American” dialect so just in our country it’s hard to understand others sometimes.

 Because of how my brain works differently (I’m neurodivergent, which for me means Autistic/ADHD) than others I write how I speak. Not how I was taught. Over the years I’ve gotten better at combining the two but it’s still very frustrating. 


At least from me I absolutely commend those fluent with multiple languages. I’ve tried but my brain won’t keep the info. My kids however speak pretty good Spanish already and they are still in middle school.  Society evolves…




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4 minutes ago, Balance said:




“For your information” 


It’s  my way of saying, “just in case you weren’t aware here’s some information that’s important to the topic” , but it could also be taken as an insult of intelligence if it was used with attitude and sarcasm. 

Perhaps it’s a cultural thing or maybe just force of habit but i constantly forget that this is an international forum and lots of folks don’t speak English as their first language. Let alone “American” which I am heavily covered in that vernacular’s  colloquialisms. It’s worse because we have multiple “American” versions of speech too. The educated will argue there’s only one proper English and that’s true for writing but if you come to rural Florida you will hear a very different English than if you’re in New York. Parts of Louisiana have creole and French influences added to their “American” dialect so just in our country it’s hard to understand others sometimes.

 Because of how my brain works differently (I’m neurodivergent, which for me means Autistic/ADHD) than others I write how I speak. Not how I was taught. Over the years I’ve gotten better at combining the two but it’s still very frustrating. 


At least from me I absolutely commend those fluent with multiple languages. I’ve tried but my brain won’t keep the info. My kids however speak pretty good Spanish already and they are still in middle school.  Society evolves…




Thanks for explaining.

Well, can you tell me who the peace river experts are ? I only know one, but there are probably more that I could tag in topics like this in case some of them are on the hunt for fossils.

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I'm just a young guy who really loves fossils  YOUTH MEMBER2.jpg

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Harry @Harry Pristis , Ken @digit and Jack @Shellseeker are the Florida river whispers. 


 @ClearLake is a great resource for osteo anything. 

This is not to underestimate the many members who regularly answer these questions too. 



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Harrys album of teeth is always a good place to start: https://www.thefossilforum.com/gallery/album/6-teeth-amp-jaws/


It could be a dire wolf if the root is the top of your pictures and the crown is really worn.  But I'm no dire wolf expert so hopefully others will chime in before long.  The deep ridges were really throwing me off at first until I looked at some pictures.  Is that a hole in the "crown" or just my imagination from the pictures? 


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6 hours ago, Zeus P said:

Jp, thank you so very much! I will add that this evening.


Size of your fossil compared to Dire Wolf will tell a story... Shape is important also

Here is one I found... followed by a couple found by others... I do not think this canine is Dire Wolf




i will post again after you provide a size... in millemeters please.  This is an international forum.

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The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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It is 3 1/2 cm (35 mm)long and 1 cm (10mm) at thickest width. I really know nothing about the different kind of canines but is a almost exact  shape of the dire wolf tooth photo you shared. Perhaps a young one? As suggested to me Or just hopeful dreams?!


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Thank you everyone and yes that is a hole at the top.

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On 5/11/2024 at 11:33 AM, Zeus P said:

It is 3 1/2 cm (35 mm)long and 1 cm (10mm) at thickest width. I really know nothing about the different kind of canines but is a almost exact  shape of the dire wolf tooth photo you shared. Perhaps a young one? As suggested to me Or just hopeful dreams?!

SO if you are specifically after a Dire wolf canine,  it might be hopeful ....   Any fossil canine found in the Peace River is somewhat rare.. I hunt a lot and find about 5-10 a year. 

If you stay in the Canid genus , Coyote existed in the Pleistocene and had very similar but smaller canines.  

@Bobby Rico posted this Canine from Nebraska... Note how crisp the photos are and the fact that the enamel cuts at an angle to the root.. but I can not tell if the same is true with your tooth. 

Coyote tends to fall into the 22-30 mm range and Dire wolf into the range of 45-75 mm.  it would seem that your size does not help to include or exclude Dire Wolf.. 



Add the fact that the most common canine in the Peace River is likely to be Dolphin... and at least one of them measures out at 1.38 inch or 35 mm.

So, If your tooth was 45 mm, not as worn so we could see more detail, did not have a clear competitor in Dolphin, I might say it is Dire wolf.  Lacking any of that , there is no way to be sure.. It might be Dire wolf, but equally likely is something else.   


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The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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Another thought occurs to me..  Every one tries to sell everything on the Internet.  Just do a search for "Dire wolf canine" , look at the ones for sale and check the size. You can relatively quickly get an idea whether Dire wolf canines are available at the size of your find,  Jack

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The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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Thank you for taking the time to help!

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