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Spinosaurus tooth cleaning


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Hi Everyone!

I have this Spinosaurus tooth in my collection that may look nice if I was able to clean it. Any recommendations? I have never cleaned a tooth before and any tips would be welcome.










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do not use metal to clean, if you have glass fiber pen it works, or a medium hard small brush

Sometimes there is some superglue on the teeth, the people in mocorro do it often to protect the tooth when they find it. Matrix is sometimes soft and some of the teeth are fragil, so it is necessary. Does is shine on the surface?


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One side of the tooth looks quite shiny and seems to have good enemal which is why I wanted to see if I could clean it. I also can find no evidence of glueing.

I can purchase a glass fiber pen or use a medium hard brush I already have. Does this sound good?


I will start working on it sometime this weekend and post pictures of the progress if you are curious.

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When you take some time in cleaning it is not complicated. The enamel of the tooth is hard and with a little sensitivity it will look will look fantastic after cleaning.

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I usually just use tooth picks and cotton swabs with some aceton. Works very well on Kem Kem teeth most of the time. When I am done, I finish the tooth with 2-3% Paraloid B72.



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I appreciate all the advice, I will see what I can do this weekend and update you later!

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Hi All! I have been cleaning the tooth so far with mainly water, brushes and some white vinegar for the difficult spots. So far pretty happy with the results!

However there are still some white spots that are quite difficult to remove. Should this still be possible to clean or was this damage done by the acid?











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Upon closer inspection I believe the spots might just be damaged enamel, possiby filled with some sand. Would it be worth it to soak the tooth in vinegar to try to remove any captured dirt from the pockets?

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Good job! I recognise those spots from some of the teeth in my collection and agree they are damaged enamel. Might be because it was a surface find. I was never able to make it look any better than the current state of your tooth. I have no experience with using vinegar, but I would not dare to use that on my fossil teeth as I would be afraid it would damage the enamel.

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Thanks, it was a fun experiment! I might work on it a little bit more but I will leave the tooth mostly as is then. More cleaning might only damage it.

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I did some quick coating with 5% paraloid and now the colors look very nice. I think im actually done now, thank you all!







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