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Fossil centrum anatomical location and possibly species ID


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Any idea what part of the spinal column this centrum is from? I found it in Charlie Creek, offshoot of the Peace River in SW Florida.  So it's probably pliocene or pleistocene in origin.  The paper in the photo is 2 inches for size comparison.


It is not worn, and any unusual texture is I believe from degenerative changes in the animal before fossilization - because when you look close it is all well defined.  


It is very round for thoracic or lumbar, and doesn't have the classic ventral process of a cervical vert.  It does appear to have parallel crests along the bottom.  It is also a very strange angle, not boxy like lumbar or thoracic should be.


Any idea what location on the spine this is from?  Then, any idea what animal this could be?








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I’m not real great at these but I believe the convex/concave is an Alligator thing. 

If it is, Its missing 75% of the rest. 


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The cross-section of the centrum does not look 'gator to me.  It looks more like an odontocete centrum.





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In the dark backward and abysm of time?

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