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Unknown bone


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Found a mile away from are bay in Grays Harbor County, Washington, USA.





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Welcome! Top down views of all angles and an end-on view of both sides are always helpful to come to an ID.


I believe this is a humerus, not a femur, based on what I see of the proximal and distal ends.


I'm not certain as to species yet, but clearly a large mammal.

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Posted (edited)

I also think humerus based on the pronounced trochlear Grooves in the first picture on top. Better pictures are needed, of all the sides and taken from above, as well as pictures from the articulating surfaces.

My semi-educated guess: humerus, young animal based on the proximal end where there's no articular surface due to unfused growth plates. Seems rather slender for cow. Elk maybe?

Don't take this as a conclusion! I'm eagerly waiting for the experts to identify this :)

Edited by Ivaldir
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I think Harry Pristis is correct.

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