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Fossil Eggs On Ebay


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Hi there everyone. I was thinking of buying a dinosaur egg to add to my collection and came across this seller on ebay:


Can anyone advise me on these eggs as the seller seems to have had a lot of these in the past as I have been following him over the last year or so. Are they real or fake? Please can anyone help as I do not want to be conned again.

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It is certainly real, but a composite... but I'm not 100%...

Ignorance is bliss...


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It looks a little too molded. I'd wait for one that looks more natural. Keep in mind that just about every egg is prepped to look better than it did originally (eggshell added to fill in a space). It's a matter of what you expect and tolerate as far as how much prep has been done.

Hi there everyone. I was thinking of buying a dinosaur egg to add to my collection and came across this seller on ebay:


Can anyone advise me on these eggs as the seller seems to have had a lot of these in the past as I have been following him over the last year or so. Are they real or fake? Please can anyone help as I do not want to be conned again.

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