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Cylindrical, silicified fossil - Possibly Ramose form Stromatoporiod


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I found this rock/fossil while walking along the shoreline of Lake Michigan in Southeastern Wisconsin, USA. I have never found anything quite like it previously. It has the appearance of a sliced swiss cake roll - concentric rings on each end and having a solid skin.

My initial thoughts were some type of horn coral (though only the main shape is similar) or possibly a chert/chalcedony nodule that had both ends break off. Other suggestions (which are probably more likely) are Stromatolite or Stromatoporoid, but I'm not seeing any similar photos in my online searches. Someone in my Facebook group suggested that it is a ramose form Stromatoporoid.


Side A:



Side B:





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To me it just looks like a suggestive shaped rock, I hope someone else can review it and give their opinion.

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Definitely a sponge. Common all around the Lake in our area. Not extremely common, yet not difficult to find if you have a mind to.





Fossil hunting is easy -- they don't run away when you shoot at them!

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