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A quick visit to the NJ Brooks


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Given such lovely weather this morning, we decided to head out on a quick day trip to our favorite locale for creek hunting in NJ. Seemingly a lot of other people had the same idea and the stream was full of many, many more people than I usually see. Most wanted to enjoy the quiet tranquility though occasionally I would hear an excited yell from quite a long distance away. 


My usual methods of scanning the gravel bars bore little fruit with most being picked clean already so we opted to dig in and sift for the day, bringing a great haul up as we dug down into the creek bed.


Finds going from left to right as pictured:


- Pulling up the shark vert was quite a treat! At about 1" in diameter and a little beaten up, it is by far the largest I've found in the NJ Cretaceous and at this locality. Also pictured are two incomplete verts, much more representative of the usual size found


- Next up we brought in some nice goblin & crow shark teeth. Not the biggest, but quite happy with the stunning coloring


- Likely modern, but a funny find nonetheless. Likely a bison or cow tooth


- Finally, a misc pile of teeth, fragment of a ghost shrimp claw, fish jaw and a small piece of petrified wood



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