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NZ, weekend coastal exploring


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Hi everyone,


Explored a couple of coastal North Island New Zealand locations on the weekend, late Miocene. Some lengthy hikes and tide timings as usual, but all part of the fun.


Location number 1.






I had to engage climbing mode when I spotted a find up high.




I found a tusk shell (Mollusca Scaphopoda) which took some careful extraction, finds in this matrix are very prone to crumbling, and found a small gastropod (a few options to identify as yet). I am still to clean them up.






Location number 2.


At this location you have to keep an eye on the tide, as your return path eventually gets cut off. I also said to myself this time to return with some managable small rocks. This translated into one large rock that barely fit into my bag, and was conviently found at the futherest point from where I had to carry it back to.






The large concretion, which was slightly irregular, had no real discernable indications of anything inside but I decided to have a go at opening it up anyway. At this stage I am not entirely sure of what I have found....








Not too long after this find the tide and remaining daylight dictated heading back to the car. This was probably a good thing as there was no more room to bring anything else back. All in all a most enjoyable weekend.



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Love scaphopods! Thanks for sharing 

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Nice photos! Sometimes the hike is even better than the fossils.

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what a lovely place

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