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Bison or Bov.?

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2 hours ago, CDiggs said:

When it comes to removing marrow what's typically eaten by people is the yellow marrow along the diaphysis (shaft) of the bone which can be split open and scooped out easily, rather than the red marrow or what's sometimes called "bone grease" in the epiphyses (ends) of the bone which is typically exploited by pounding the ends of the bone into small fragments and then boiling the bone frags and skimming the fat from the surface of the pot.

Thanks for teaching me something new today!

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That was interesting.  I recall reading about deer long bones in Florida being perforated (drilled), then boiled to liquify and extract "bone grease."  I underestimated the significance of marrow components in NA diet.  This practice doesn't seem to have been as organized here in Florida as it is reported to be in Missouri.



What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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Wow! Thank you for all that information CDiggs. It sounds like there would be no bone left after this process was done. Still, thank you again for that fascinating information regarding "marrowing". From your detailed response, I believe the heads of the Humerus and Radius bones I  found could have been chewed off at some point by an animal and not likely Native American people.

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