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I don't mean to be a pain,but are these more "natural coincidences??"


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Against the advice of several experienced members, I'm back again with more supposed limestone and sandstone and wood..I'm hoping that maybe one of these is something more than a "natural coincidence.."again I have zero education in this stuff..I have around 2000 of these "natural coincidences.."these items lack the rings that wood has..these items have visible mesh..these items don't crumble please contact me if you know more about this stuff than I do..




















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I do see a few pieces of petrified wood, but most are rock.

Too many pictures with no identifiers (1,2,3... / a, b, c...)- makes it hard to be specific here.

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I agree

A few pieces of wood, but mostly stones. 

MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png.a47e14d65deb3f8b242019b3a81d8160.png MotM August 2023 - Eclectic Collector

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Some of these are pretty clearly petrified wood.  As ynot noted, though, the large number of pieces combined with the fact that you haven't numbered them in any way makes it very difficult for us to help identify which ones. 


In the future, it would be most helpful to pick a couple of the pieces that you think have the most apparent and significant characteristics, number each item, and take pictures of all four sides and the top and bottom of each item with a way for us to clearly distinguish which pictures belong to which item. 


Also, since the forum is made of volunteers, it's unreasonable to rely on members to comb through hundreds or thousands of items to provide an ID.


I certainly understand why you want your pieces identified, but ideally, this is a learning and teaching forum that should help equip you with the skills you need to start making reliable identifications for yourself instead of relying entirely on the forum for such a large number of items. 


That's why I suggest picking only one or two in a post with several detailed pictures and to ask questions about what specific features helped members to identify your finds as wood or rule them out.  That may be more useful to you than sending so many similar items in a format that makes it difficult to distinguish which ones we're talking about.


That being said, I'll try my best.


First picture--the top piece on the far right has the highest likelihood of being petrified wood to me. 


Second picture--both pieces have some characteristics of wood, especially the piece on the left.  But photos of the sides would be helpful. 


Third picture--the piece on the far right, second row, shows signs of woodgrain. So does the piece in the bottom far right. 


Fourth picture--1st, 2nd, 3rd and last piece have interesting characteristics that could be consistent with wood, but I don't see enough detail in the pictures to say for sure. 


Fifth picture--definitely a rock. Possibly sandstone with a high red soil component.


6&7--The piece on the right could possibly be wood.


8--looks consistent with wood. 


9&10--this is an interesting piece with a spongey texture.  I'm not sure what it is.


The rest of your pieces show signs of vertical grain consistent with wood, but again the best way to identify wood is to see 6 photos of each piece individually. 


With the very large number of items you have here, six pictures of each item would utterly overwhelm members, and most likely you would get no replies at all.  


So in these comments, perhaps you can pick one of the items above that you are most curious about and think is most likely to be wood and then post additional pictures of it.

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11 hours ago, jm22 said:

Against the advice of several experienced members, I'm back again with more supposed limestone and sandstone and wood

I don’t know who has, but we don’t mean to discourage you, feel free to always come back to post and ask questions, but if they are “just rocks” or not what you think they are, we will still tell you plainly and sometimes bluntly. I hope you don’t take it personally, we are just trying to make the ID crystal clear :)

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I do not see much coincidence here.

There is a reason stones from a spot often look alike. Rock has a structure (so does fossil wood). In sedimentary rocks there are layers, in metamorphic rocks there are planes of least resistance often perpendicular to the direction pressure came from during their formation, not to speak about chrystalline rocks. So Rocks tend to break along certain directions and angles, making the pieces look alike. Add a human that pics from thousands the dozens that look most alike and you end up with a collection like the one above.

If by coincidence you mean "not fossil animal related", then I would say yes, coincidence.

Best regards,


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Try to learn something about everything and everything about something

Thomas Henry Huxley

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Is the general shape the coincidence to which you refer? If you Google 'oval rocks' you'll see how little of a coincidence this is.





Fossil hunting is easy -- they don't run away when you shoot at them!

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