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Identification posting for the uninitiated

Montiel Roscoe

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I found this fossil on a beach (Pacific ocean inlet) on the boarder between British Columbia and Washington State.

Length is 6.5cm or 2.5 inch and width is 4cm or 1.75inch.


It is smooth and hard as a rock, it can't chip or scratch anything off it. My understanding is that saltwater erodes bone, which is why I thought 'fossil'? But it looks nothing like a rock, it looks like a bone. But is not heavy like it was mineralized but it is not light like a bone.


It is seems to be a socket bone, from the crest down is smooth and very round. At the bottom of the round well is a blueish cylinder, it looks like bone marrow. My internet research came up with Calcaneus but I have no clue really.










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Welcome to the Forum.  This find appears to be from a cervid, a deer calcaneum.



  • I found this Informative 1



What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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Very cool, thanks! 👍🏽 

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