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I believe this is my 6th post on my hunt for ALL the Texas Echinoids...which is going to take me significantly longer than expected! I'm down to the more elusive ones! But I'm determined. 


I haven't really had much luck finding new ones in a while, but I did find this lovely little Leptosalenia sp. in the Lower Glen Rose (Cretaceous).  @JohnJ helped me out by suggesting it was probably a juvenile L. sp.  It's from micro matrix I picked up at a local haunt.  It's ridiculously tiny -  about 3mm





And although I have already found plenty of Loriolia rosanas, this is by far the tiniest one I've found - it's 1/4 inch or about 6mm.  Another Micro matrix find! But from the Upper Glen Rose Formation.






Another "new" addition which I realized I don't think I included in prior posts is this Eocene echinoid Fibularia texana. Another tiny one - about 1/4 inch.



That's all for the new finds - as I said, they are getting further and fewer between. (heheheh)


But I have collected a few nicer specimens of some already found - like this fabulous big Goniophorus scotti - the only other ones I had were either crushed or tiny. This one is almost perfect!  Aside from a little cracking...  It's 1/2 inch.



And I realized I didn't post pics of post clean up on the beautiful if somewhat crunchy Codiopsis stephensoni from last year: Big thanks to Matthew Harrell of MInuteMan Fossils for cleaning it up for me! There are even a few tiny spines on it! 





And of course, I have to post a picture of one of the nicest Leptosalenia texanas I've found in a while.....they are "common" in my area, 

but to find a good one with no clean up needed is still special!











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Nice echinoids! That Eocene one is particularly cool to me as I am unfamiliar with those!

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They're beautiful, Jaime!

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