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Decided to put some more of my Texas ammonites on the Forum. I posted a June 2024 trip to Utah where I had hoped to find some nice ammonites but did not have much luck. I seem to do much better in Texas (my home state) on a regular basis. Here a few pix from the last few years in TX.
Still on the hunt for a complete Cyamatoceras and Complete Mariella (the ones in the pix are about fist sized, but not complete).

Ammonite 59 Tarrant  County TX s.jpg

Ammonite 64 Tarrant  County TX s.jpg

Ammonoid 1 Mariella sp maybe - Travis County TX s.jpg

Ammonite 57 Bell County TX s.jpg

Ammonite 14 Cymatoceras - Travis County TX s.jpg

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