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Went Hunting today on the Peace River. The Zolfo USGS water depth gauge is at 4.5 feet.  The Peace River is hunt_able at any depth under 6 feet,  meaning that heavy rains have had little effect on river depth. 





I had an interesting day of constant finds. about 250 small shark teeth not pictured below...


A number of larger Tigers and a number of larger Hemipristis, including these 2 that measure approx 1.5 inches



Also, upper left in the group photo,  2 Glyptodont Osteoderms,  1 small Armadillo Osteoderm, a horse tooth, most of a Beaver molar, 2 gator teeth and  what might be a Camelid fibula.. for me these are VERY rare.  This one not in great shape.



My best Camelid fibula:



Now for the ID... I actually found two of these , but the other is in the pile of 250 small shark teeth.  I'll dig it out tomorrow.



All comments and suggestions appreciated.. 

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The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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That’s a symphyseal Carcharhinus sp. tooth, I believe! I think @Al Dente had ID’d it for me when I found it. Incredibly similar, even down to the cusp! 

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Fossils? I dig it. :meg:


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2 minutes ago, Meganeura said:

That’s a symphyseal Carcharhinus sp. tooth, I believe! I think @Al Dente had ID’d it for me when I found it. Incredibly similar, even down to the cusp! 

Thank you , Daniel .. you gained an incredible amount of knowledge on Peace River fauna fossils in a relative short period of time... Nicely done. 

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The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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15 minutes ago, Shellseeker said:

Thank you , Daniel .. you gained an incredible amount of knowledge on Peace River fauna fossils in a relative short period of time... Nicely done. 

It was all the picking through the micro matrix in this case that did it for me… the symphyseal shark teeth, the nurse shark teeth, along with the 2 mouse teeth I found were some of my favourite micro finds!

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Fossils? I dig it. :meg:


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