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I just got back from my holidays the day before yesterday, and now that I'm settled in again back home, I though I could write up a little report. First of all I would like to thank Kevin @Manticocerasman for all of the advice he gave about the local sites. Also the nice hotel in Sangatte which he recommended to us worked out very well. My wife really enjoyed the wellness area on the days when I was out hunting. Of course there is also a lot to see, historically and geographically in the area and we visited a few museums, spent time in Calais and undertook some good hikes above the cliffs and along the beaches. I'll post a few photos here to give some impressions:



Fort Vauban in Ambleteuse. Once used by Napoleon.



Nauticaa in Boulogne-sur-Mer. Apparently one of the largest aquariums in the world.



Banksy on a wall on the beach at Calais. They love their street art here.



We even had a surprise visit down at the beach by a motorized rubber boat full of refugees attempting to make their way across the channel.



Cap Blanc Nez with the Dover Patrol monument on the summit.



The beach between Sangatte and Escalles apparently hosts one of the largest seagull nesting places in the world.



I was busy photographing the nests when I suddenly heard a nearby "peep!" and discovered this little birdie who had obviously tried its wings a bit too early. I still wonder how nature took its course with it.



The beach between Escalles and Strouanne where I made the overwhelming majority of my finds. It was extremely windy and wet on that day, but I didn't give up, since I kept on finding things within the Late Cretaceous Campanian boulders strewn along below the cliffs.

I visited many other beaches in search of fossils, including the Jurassic and Miocene ones in the area, but came back to this stretch a few more times with success. Here are some in situ photos:



Gault Clay pyritized ammo amongst phosphate and pyrite concretions. I found 3 on the first day, but after that the outcrop was buried in sand.



Not sure what genus this will turn out to be.



I think this is a small Mantelliceras.



Turrilites. Slightly pyritized.





My best find. A Mantelliceras before and after a whack with the hammer:





I didn't find any of the larger ammonites like Acanthoceras or Cunningtoniceras, but I wasn't expecting that, since most of the boulders containing them are well picked over by this time of year.


And here's a snap of the complete spoils including some sponges to be abraded, a couple of brachiopods, two Jurassic bivalves, a bit of flotsam and jetsam and a nice pyrite concretion. Now that I don't have a workshop any more, I'll be taking advantage soon of a colleague's offer to use his prep workshop and am looking forward to freeing them up. I'll post the finished products here when I'm done.



And now to finish off with the obligatory sunset photo. Good hunting!












  • Enjoyed 18


Greetings from the Lake of Constance. Roger


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Good to see that you had a great time :)

And watch out for those pesky seaguls... <_<


Did you have the occasion to visit the inside of the fort of Ambleteuse ? that is still on my "to do" list for me.



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growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional.


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Good ! Your recent sea urchins are Echinocardium.



  • Thank You 1


Ma bibliothèque PDF 1 (Poissons et sélaciens récents & fossiles) : ici
Ma bibliothèque PDF 2 (Animaux vivants - sans poissons ni sélaciens) : ici
Mâchoires sélaciennes récentes : ici
Hétérodontiques et sélaciens : ici
Oeufs sélaciens récents : ici
Otolithes de poissons récents ! ici

Un Greg...

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Hello Roger,


That's a nice haul! I was there Sunday, but had the tides wrong. I walked from Escalles to Sangatte but had to run not to get closed in! 


Gr Walter

Edited by badeend
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“If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”

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2 hours ago, Manticocerasman said:

Did you have the occasion to visit the inside of the fort of Ambleteuse ? that is still on my "to do" list for me.


No we didn't. They were closed for lunch and we wanted to move on.


Greetings from the Lake of Constance. Roger


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11 minutes ago, badeend said:

Hello Roger,


That's a nice haul! I was there Sunday, but had the tides wrong. I walked from Escalles to Sangatte but had to run not to get closed in! 


Gr Walter

Too bad we missed each other. That almost happened to me too on my first day when I walked up to Cap Blanc Nez and back, but I always go with rubber boots, so it wasn't so bad.


Greetings from the Lake of Constance. Roger


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