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A local museum donated a pile of fossils and rock specimens to my nature center and this was among them. My first thought was a tooth of some kind, but it's not like any tooth I've ever seen before. It has no serrated edge, and that small protrusion on the one side which seems odd for a tooth.  The flared end is certainly strange, and made my coworker guess perhaps some kind of mushroom, and although fossilized mushrooms are rare, I agree it's worth wondering about too. I really am stumped by this one! 


The pictures I've included are over a 1x1 centimeter grid, for size. 


It was also already broken when we got it, and I'm not sure if its better to glue it back together somehow or not. Input on this as well as the ID would be appreciated! 






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I think it is some sort of sawskate rostral "tooth", but there are a couple different kinds (and it's not the kind we have in my area), so see what others say.


Edit: something like this:


Edited by Fin Lover
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Fin Lover

image.png.e69a5608098eeb4cd7d1fc5feb4dad1e.png image.png.e6c66193c1b85b1b775526eb958f72df.png image.png.65903ff624a908a6c80f4d36d6ff8260.png


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Agree it's a saw skate rostral tooth and if it was me I'd glue it back together. Super glue works well for that

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