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Real Spinosaurus foot claw ?


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Hello, I saw this moroccan Spinosaurus claw on auction today and wondered If its real or fake. Its 7,5 cm in length, and I think its real, as I dont see any evidence of it beeing one. It apparently is from the moroccan Kemkem beds.


@Phos_01 @JorisVV




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Silgimassasaurus brevicollis 

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Well, thanks for your input !


But to my eyes it looks like it is horribly prepared, lots of glue and plaster, maybe a professional could make something better out of it.


It think its real, because I see a small, matrix filled groove, a small kink and groove at the bottom side, and bone structure and texture that follows the shape of the claw and many more details I dont know the words for, wich let me think is real.

Silgimassasaurus brevicollis 

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Guys, I dont want to sound like Im an impatient person, but I really want to have a couple more answers than that !


Im really interested on that auction, it may be my only chance for a Spinosaurus claw for the next years ! My last chance on a affordable Spino claw was in May 2023, I've waited long enough.


So please, when you have an opinion about this claw, may it be so bad or good or big or small, please write it !

Everything would be helpfull !


Thanks :)

Edited by Brevicollis

Silgimassasaurus brevicollis 

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19 minutes ago, JorisVV said:

Would pass on it. Bit of a freak thing.

What is so "freakish" about it ?

Silgimassasaurus brevicollis 

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I would also avoid , with only these photos to see. 

Need beter closeups to perhaps have your best scenario thats its real, and it can be beter when prepper by a professional. (what also has a cost) 


Good claws take time, much time to find one

And cost allot. They are very rare. 

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I'll try to ask for better pictures, its more complicated for me and could take some time.

Silgimassasaurus brevicollis 

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Remember that as a buyer you carry all the risks.

As Phos mentioned, it might take a long time to find what you are looking for. Trust me, we all have had the frustrations.


Rush is never an good thing, since you might do decicions that you regret later.

I try to think it in a way.

Are you happy with it?

Would you still want to replace it later?

Could money be used later on better one?

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There's no such thing as too many teeth.

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2 hours ago, North said:

Rush is never an good thing, since you might do decicions that you regret later.

I try to think it in a way.

Are you happy with it?

Would you still want to replace it later?

Could money be used later on better one?

Yes you're right. Rush is never a good thing. I've wanted a big Rebbachisaurus tooth, endet up getting a 50% fake, too expensive one. Wanted a big Basilosaurus front tooth ? Got one where the root is mostly a fabrication. Wanted a mosasaur jaw still in matrix ? Decided to get a composite Enchodus jaw that was twice as expensive :DOH: 


But if the claw is real, that would make me happy the most, considering how rare even real ones are nowadays.

So I'll try to get it, after seeing more pictures of it of course !


Otherwise, if it isnt real, I still have other option with my birthday money, like Allosaurus, Marshosaurus, or rare mosasaur teeth, or another spinosaur foot claw that I know of that is real, but still is a bit above my budget....

Edited by Brevicollis

Silgimassasaurus brevicollis 

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I'd be very careful buying any claw labeled as spino off an auction site.  They are not super rare but instead are just super rare online specifically as most are not completely legit.  Perhaps consider, if there are any near you, a trip to a a fossil show where there are private dealers. There are still fakes but I've seen quite a number of real ones too that members have posted from them.  Cheap/deals are scary when it comes to those.

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July 14 is a small fossil convention relativly near me, that I'll go to. Maybe they'll have one there ?!

Silgimassasaurus brevicollis 

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Never know.  I know there's a big show out that way some members go to.  Cannot remember where it is though. 


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2 hours ago, FB003 said:

Never know.  I know there's a big show out that way some members go to.  Cannot remember where it is though. 

St Marie aux mines. But that was last week


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1 hour ago, JorisVV said:

St Marie aux mines. But that was last week


And also way to far away from my location.

Silgimassasaurus brevicollis 

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I've asked for more pictures, but no answer so far. If he sends more, I'll post them !



Edited by Brevicollis

Silgimassasaurus brevicollis 

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