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Real moroccan Spinosaurus toe bones ?

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Hello, I saw these moroccan Spinosaurus toe bones on auction today and wondered If they are real or not. They look pretty good and real, but before I should bid on them, I better have it confirmed or debunked.








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I'm no expert but that seems pretty small for spino. Was there a location provided?

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Posted (edited)

possible, the digits of Spinosaurs are very different, depending on there position. Looks like the Position ph IV, digit 3 or 4

distal end looks bit restored



Edited by rocket
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Not much is known from the Kem Kem beds, what also makes it interesting in a way. 

Its definitely a real toe bone , and a fairly good one , just missing a bit of bone on the right lower side looking at photo nr4

Its not that small. Could be a spinosaurid / Sigilmassasaurus aff.

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Genuine bones .. species sometimes not so easy to determine. Good find

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