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Devonian fish scales in internal view photos?


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Hi everyone,


I've completed a pretty aggressive scoping of the literature for photos and descriptions of Devonian fish scales preserved in internal view (aka medial view, basal view, visceral view, etc.) and am now looking for any collections photos that could augment this. I know several of you have collected sites like Red Hill or might have other fossil Devonian fishes. Any photos that people are willing to share (scale bar in photos PLEASE) of the internal surface of Devonian fish scales will be very very helpful! Feel free to post in this thread or PM me if you prefer or you can email me at nick DOT gardner AT gmail DOT com. 


Thank you in advance for any assistance y'all are willing to provide.

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Any examples? I have some Devonian fish bits, and don't know how to tell the difference between internal/external view. 


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56 minutes ago, Fossildude19 said:

Any examples? I have some Devonian fish bits, and don't know how to tell the difference between internal/external view. 

I’ll upload my slide deck I put together with examples from the literature tomorrow. Typically we should expect the external surface to be sculptured, possibly have lateral lines, etc.

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Some examples to get started:


From Downs, J. P., et al. (2021). A new species of Eusthenodon (Sarcopterygii, Tristichopteridae) from the Upper Devonian (Famennian) of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., and a review of Eusthenodon taxonomy. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology41(3), e1976197. 



Eusthenodon bourdoni, a tristichopterid fish.


Mondejar-Fernandez et al. 2021. A microanatomical and histological study of the scales of the Devonian sarcopterygian Miguashaia bureaui and the evolution of squamation in coelacanths. J. Anatomy, 239, 451-478.



Miguashaia bureaui, a coelacanth.


Mondejar-Fernandez & Meunier, 2020. New histological information on Holoptychius Agassiz, 1839 (Sarcopterygii, Porolepiformes) provides insights into the palaeoecological implications and evolution of the basal plate of the scales of osteichthyans. Historical Biology.



"The scales of the holoptychiid porolepiform Holoptychius. [...] C–D. Isolated scales of Holoptychius sp. (MNHN, URSS, 5075) from the Frasnian of Latvia in external view (C) and internal view (D). E–F. Isolated scales of Holoptychius cf. nobilissimus (MB.f. 1994.1) from the
Givetian-Frasnian of Latvia in external view (E) and internal view (F). Arrows point anteriorly. Scale bar = 10 mm."


Andrews, S. M. 1985. Rhizodont crossopterygian fish from the Dinantian of Foulden, Berwickshire, Scotland, with a re-evaluation of this group. Trans Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Sciences, 76, 67-95.



Unnamed Carboniferous rhizodont from Foulden.


Long, J. A. 1992. Cranial anatomy of two new Late Devonian lungfishes (Pisces: Dipnoi) from Mount Howitt, Victoria. Records of the Australian Museum, 44, 299-318.




(both are in external view; the lungfishes Howidipterus donnae and Barwickia downunda)


Johanson, Z., and Ritchie, A. 2000. A new Late Famennian lungfish from New South Wales, Australia, and its bearing on Australian-Asian terrane relations. Alcheringa24(2), 99-118.



Adelargo schultzei, Left - AMF 56169, scale showing external view; Right - AMF 56170, scale showing internal view.


Young, G.C. and Schultze, H.-P. 2005. New osteichthyans (bony fishes) from the Devonian of Central Australia. Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berl., Geowiss. Reihe8, 13-35.


Osteolepidid and holoptychiid scales from the Emsian-Eifelian of western Queensland. All in external view.


Friedman, M., and Daeschler, E.B. 2006. Late Devonian (Famennian) lungfishes from the Catskill Formation of Pennsylvania, USA. Palaeontology49(6), 1167-1183.


Dipnoi gen sp uncertain, ANSP 22371. C, scale in internal view; D, scale in external view.


Mondejar-Fernandez and Clement, 2012. Squamation and scale microstructure evolution in the Porolepiformes (Sarcopterygii, Dipnomorpha) based on Heimenia ensis from the Devonian of Spitsbergen. J. Vertebrate Paleontology32(2), 267-284.


Heimenia ensis (Porolepiformes, Dipnomorpha, Sarcopterygii)


As I get time to upload more, I will!




Edited by NickG
Corrected a line.
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