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Quarry recommendation in Kemmerer Wy.


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Hi, I am new to this forum and am excited to participate in many future discussions! 

I am not new to the fossil hunting hobby and has been participating in it for many years. But I mostly collect fossils in Utah. I recently gotten a grad gift to go up to Kemmerer Wy to dig in one of the quarries up there. I am very excited! But there is a slight problem though, there are so many quarries to choose from! There is a few that look really promising like American, Fossil Safari, or Ulrich. But I can't seem to make up my mind. I am planning to look for fossils all day or take their full day package. So I was wondering if you guys could help me. Which quarry would you recommend and why? Also do you have any tips when going up to any of these quarries looking for fossils? 

I hope this makes sense. I would appreciate any advice. 

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I have been to the American Fossil Quarry many times and highly recommend them, although there are many options, with varying price levels and amenities / opportunities. 

"There is no shortage of fossils. There is only a shortage of paleontologists to study them." - Larry Martin

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