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Pennsylvanian Barnacles Or Corals? (Missouri)


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Age: Pennsylvanian

Location: Missouri

Stratigraphy: Raytown limestone member (Iola formation)



Hello! I came across some more odd finds. I was looking to saw out a possible fish/squid material and came across this Coiled Cephalopod fragment. 


These are odd as they look like Very small modern colonial Barnacles. I know and I have seen their boring traces in Bryozoans and on some other encrusting surfaces. It could also be some sort of coral im unfamiliar with.


They appear to be growing over eachother in some cases (circled) and solitary in others







Here are the "barnacles" compared to the bryozoan Fistulapora from the middle creek.



Let me know what you guys think!



Edited by Samurai
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  • Samurai changed the title to Pennsylvanian Barnacles Or Corals? (Missouri)
2 hours ago, Samurai said:

I just did some digging and it could be Heliospongia that attached to this cephalopod shell. 

I don't think so. Here's a post that might help. 


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10 hours ago, Missourian said:

The sponge Coelocladia comes to mind:





I belive this is the correct id, thank you Missourian!


Ill be posting some other oddities later today. 

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