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Im at a loss for This one Pennsylvanian Fish Mouth Plate? (Missouri)


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Location: Missouri

Age: Pennsylvanian 

Stratigraphy: Muncie Creek redeposted phosphate nodules/concretions (Iola formation)



Here is another very odd find, it was just so weird looking I had to post it. Sadly it has been missing the other half long before I got to it. I have never seen anything quite like it, and I do not recognize any common pennsylvanian ids. I will say cephalopod material has been found in these nodules as well.



Here are some images that makes it look inverted




True inverted:



There is another oval-shaped depression on the lower left leading into the nodule



Edited by Samurai
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14 minutes ago, westcoast said:

Have you considered echinoid?

It could be, that seems most probable. It would be the first occurrence I have seen of echinodermata in these deepwater nodules. Especially one that is phosphate replaced. 



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